More than 300 households could be hit by ‘bedroom tax’

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is warning people of working age renting from social landlords that their Housing Benefit may be cut from April 2013 under Government reforms of the welfare system. The CAB understands that more than 300 households could be affected by these changes.

Under the new rules, commonly known as ‘the bedroom tax’, if households have more bedrooms than the government says they need, their home will be counted as being too big for them. If this is the case, they may lose some or all of their Housing Benefit. The home will be deemed too...

Citizens Advice survey to hold payday lenders to account

As the new payday lending customer charter is launched, Citizens Advice Bureaux across the country are today releasing new figures demonstrating a worrying increase in the number of serious debt cases relating to payday loans.

The Citizens Advice service has seen a ten-fold increase in the proportion of clients receiving casework help with multiple debts which included a payday loan debt in the last four years. In the first quarter of 2009/10 only one per cent of CAB debt casework clients had at least one payday loan and in the same quarter last year this had risen to four per cent...

Big Energy Saving Week

Event Date: 
31/01/2014 - 9:00am
Exeter Central Library

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau will be running a number of events where people can get help: • Checking their energy bills. • Comparing their energy prices. • Learning where customers can get help with their energy bills. • Discussing energy efficiency methods. • How to access funded energy saving insulation and equipment.

The events will take place around the Big Energy Saving Week.

This event will be open unitl 3pm.

Check: Contact your energy supplier to check you are on the best tariff and payment method for your circumstances, or if they can offer you any...

Big Energy Saving Week

Event Date: 
29/01/2014 - 9:00am
St Thomas Library

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau will be running a number of events where people can get help: • Checking their energy bills. • Comparing their energy prices. • Learning where customers can get help with their energy bills. • Discussing energy efficiency methods. • How to access funded energy saving insulation and equipment.

The events will take place around the Big Energy Saving Week:

This event will be held until 3pm.

Check: Contact your energy supplier to check you are on the best tariff and payment method for your circumstances, or if they can offer you any...

Big Energy Saving Week

Event Date: 
20/01/2014 - 9:00am
Wonford Community Centre

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau will be running a number of events where people can get help:

• Checking their energy bills. • Comparing their energy prices. • Learning where customers can get help with their energy bills. • Discussing energy efficiency methods. • How to access funded energy saving insulation and equipment. The events will take place around the Big Energy Saving Week

This event will run until 2pm.

Check: Contact your energy supplier to check you are on the best tariff and payment method for your circumstances, or if they can offer you any discounts to...
