Exeter CAB offers pensions guidance

Yesterday marked six months of freedom and choice for pensions and Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau is encouraging eligible people in Exeter to seek free guidance to make sure they understand their options.

The new pension freedoms, introduced in April, mean people over 55 who have a defined contribution pension now have the option to take their pension savings as an annuity, cash or flexibly over time.

Alongside these changes the government launched Pension Wise, a free, impartial service to help people approaching retirement understand their options so they can make informed...

Exeter CAB reports huge rise in urgent debt

Leading local advice charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, has today published its advice trend statistics for July 2015.

The charity helped 17% more people; with 2435 people helped directly with advice and information on 5446 individual problems since 1 April 2015.

Clients with urgent, or priority debts, owed an average of £3,039.92 to their creditors, an increase of 122.3% on the previous year. Urgent debts include things like mortgage, rent and council tax.

The increase in the amounts owed to urgent, or priority, creditors is a real worry. It is a clear...

Survey raises concerns over new benefit

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Mon, 07/27/2015 - 11:44am

A survey into a new benefit due to be introduced in Exeter has produced some alarming results.

Universal Credit, which will replace many existing benefits, is being gradually rolled out across the country and will begin to be implemented in Exeter in November.

But research by the Advice Exeter partnership has raised grave concerns about how claimants will be affected, with few aware of the changes and advice agencies worryingly unprepared.

Universal Credit will see significant changes to the way benefits work, from how they are claimed to how they are paid. Some of...

Exeter CAB launches ‘Click or Call’ service

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2015 - 12:04pm

Leading local advice charity Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has announced the launch of a new ‘Click or Call’ advice and information service.

The charity is suggesting that clients with access to the internet first click the on-line advice and information resources and factsheets available at

The website is available 24 hours a day. A pilot webchat service has also been launched as part of the new service, with plans for an email service also being developed.

Clients who do not have access to the internet, or are unable to find what they are...

Exeter CAB responds to summer Budget

Responding to today's budget, Steve Barriball, Chief Executive of leading local advice charity Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, said: “Whilst this Budget provides help to the low paid, those at the sharp end of welfare cuts will really struggle. The growing economy needs to lead to a more secure future for all; whether you are starting out as self employed; a parent trying to balance work with childcare or someone who is in work but needs extra support.

“Ultimately a government serious about making significant savings to the welfare bill needs to tackle problems at the source...

Limited supply of rental homes in city

New research carried out by Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has revealed that there is a limited supply of suitable housing for students and other private renters in Exeter.

The findings are published today in a new report from Citizens Advice called Dispatches from the front lines of the housing crisis. Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau features in the report highlighting the issues faced in the city in relation to its growing student population.

The report also examines the impact of the development of large student blocks on the rental market in Exeter.


Exeter CAB reports drop in client debts

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 06/02/2015 - 10:44am

Local charity Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has published its advice trend statistics for April 2015. The charity helped 512 people directly with advice and information on 1229 individual problems.

On average, clients with money problems had debts totaling £6,927.80, down by £388.80 compared to the previous year when the average was £7,316.60.

The amount of advice that the charity has been able to provide has increased in the following areas compared to last year:

Welfare benefits

• 250.0% increase in enquiries about pension credit • 66.6% increase in...

Increase of over £2k for those in debt

Local charity Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau today publishes its annual advice trend statistics for the year-ending 31st March 2015. The charity helped 6170 people directly with advice and information on 15081 individual problems.

On average, clients with money problems have debts totaling £14,746.65, up by £2,046.48 compared to the previous year when the average was £12,700.17.

The amount of advice that the charity has been able to provide has increased in the following areas compared to last year:

Welfare benefits

• 28.4% increase in enquiries about council...

Exeter charity gets Royal seal of approval

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 02/17/2015 - 7:09am

Volunteers, staff and clients at Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau had a royal audience today when they received a visit from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal.

The Princess Royal, who is patron of Citizens Advice, officially opened the bureau’s new offices in Dix’s Field.

During the visit she met Exeter CAB chair Dennis Mardon and was shown around the bureau by Chief Executive Steve Barriball, who introduced her to members of paid staff and volunteers. She had the opportunity to observe the volunteers in action, as well as seeing new ways of ensuring clients get the...

Free advice for the tough times in your life

People across Exeter can now benefit from a new range of self-help resources thanks to a city advice partnership.

Advice Exeter, a not for profit group made up of six local charities, has produced a range of ‘life events’ booklets as part of its strategy to improve services for local people.

The guides offer advice and information on the following topics: bereavement, illness and disability, job loss, new baby and relationship breakdown.

They are available at key outlets across the city and can also be accessed online. They can also be supplied free of charge to...
