Exeter CAB:More people struggling

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Sat, 03/01/2014 - 11:43am

More people are struggling to pay their rents and bills according to the latest figures reported by Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau today. The local charity’s advice trend statistics for January 2014 published today show that they are recording more than 50% more problems with local authority rent arrears than in the previous year. There was an even sharper increase in the numbers of problems with housing association rent arrears which rose by over 65%. Exeter CAB Chief Executive Steve Barriball said: “Positive economic news is welcome, as are predictions that the economy is leaving one of...

Average Exeter debt rises by over £1,000

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Mon, 01/27/2014 - 11:28am

The average level of debt among clients of Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has risen by over £1,000 according to figures released by the local charity today.

The average clients’ debt now stands at £13,450 up by £1,091 on the previous year.

Some commentators have warned that high levels of personal debt in Britain may bring problems in later life with new research from Bristol University showing a strong link between financial problems and poor mental well-being in older people.

David Hayes, Research Associate at the Personal Finance Research Centre and author...

Over 5,000 Exeter households in Fuel Poverty

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Wed, 01/15/2014 - 11:58am

Over 10 percent of Exeter households are considered to be in fuel poverty according to a report discussed by Devon County Council today.

5,494 households in Exeter are currently spending more than 10% of their household income on heating or are unable to keep their home adequately heated.

Countywide, fuel poverty exists in every one of the areas looked at in the report. Currently Exeter has 7 of the worst 10 fuel poor areas in the county with the others being Ilfracombe Central, Bideford North and an unspecified area in Tiverton.

There are 49,073 households in fuel...

Looking for a New Challenge in 2014?

Authored by john pill
Posted: Mon, 12/23/2013 - 9:15am

We are currently looking for new people to volunteer with us. We have a recruitment fair on 15 January 2014 here at the Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau. If you are interested in finding out from staff, supervisors and volunteers what it is like to volunteer with us please contact John Pill at for more information or to book a place. Alternatively, please visit the following link to complete a volunteering form

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering with the Citizens Advice Bureau is a...

Devon Charities launch Surviving Winter Appeal

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 12/04/2013 - 4:14pm

As forecasters predict a freezing cold winter ahead two Devon charities have linked together to help those most in need. Hundreds of people across the county are faced with hardship and unable to heat their own homes – but the charities are offering a lifeline and they need support from local people. The Surviving Winter Appeal, which has been launched by Devon Community Foundation in partnership with Devon Citizens Advice Bureau, aims to match vulnerable and older people in need with those who can help. Organisers of the scheme are appealing to people who do not need some, or all, of...

Haematology patients helped by ELF funded Exeter CAB Service

In May 2013 Exeter Leukaemia Fund launched the third offering in their Community Support Programme when they entered into an agreement with Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau to offer welfare and benefits advice to Haematology patients and their loved ones. Although initial appointments are booked through Emma Gray, ELF Community Support Co-ordinator at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, the reception staff at the Citizens Advice Bureau have been pro-active in passing on client details to Freya Searle, the dedicated advisor for the ELF Advice Service, once they realise the client is a...

More left penniless by business closures

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Sat, 11/23/2013 - 4:50pm

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is seeing an increase of people left with no wages and no money to pay their bills because of the closure of their employers’ business.

Following changes to the fee structure for employment tribunal claims, employees are left with no money and faced with an issue fee of up to £160 to lodge a claim for unpaid wages, holiday pay, notice pay, or redundancy pay, and a further fee of £230 for a hearing.

Steve Barriball, Chief Executive of Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau said: “This cannot be right. In these circumstances the employee has kept up...

Exeter Board awards Citizens Advice Bureau £15,000

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has received a Community Grant of just over £15,000 from the recently formed Exeter Board.

The money will be used to provide additional specialist advice and information services following the introduction of the Coalition Government's Welfare Reform Act.

The Bill provides for the introduction of a 'Universal Credit' to replace a range of existing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age, starting from 2013.

A key measure in the Welfare Reform Act is to replace Disability Living Allowance for...

Repossessions in Exeter up by 20% says Exeter CAB

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is reporting that there has been a 20% increase in the number of repossession cases listed at Exeter County Court.

Where a CAB adviser has assisted clients facing repossession, the clients have avoided repossession in 85% of cases.

Exeter City Council has provided financial support for this essential service.

Steve Barriball, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau Chief Executive, said: “We have at least one adviser present at the Court each Tuesday morning to advise and advocate for clients. In the...

Debt problems with payday loans more than double

Following the launch of a new payday lending customer charter , local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is releasing new figures demonstrating a worrying increase in the number of serious debt cases relating to payday loans.

The Citizens Advice service has seen a ten-fold increase in the proportion of clients receiving help with multiple debts which included a payday loan debt in the last four years. In the first quarter of 2009/10 only 1 per cent of CAB debt casework clients had at least one payday loan; in the same quarter last year this had risen to 4%. This year's figure...
