
Zumba & Swagga dance craze sweeping Exeter & Exmouth

With the cold, dark nights drawing in, there is nothing I like more than a good party and the feel good factor! And this autumn, Vibes Dance Fitness classes are packed with fun songs to strut your stuff to!

Zumba and Swagga have just launched new dance sensation Gangnam Style! Absolutely hilarious, we've got everyone doing it!

With Swagga hitting Exeter & Exmouth, more and more people are catching on, you have never known anything like it! A whole hour of music videos and crazy dancing! Baseball hats with the Backstreet Boys, sunglasses with...

The Ramblers group walk. Distance 11 miles.

Event Date: 
14/10/2012 - 9:45am
Exminster, Start grid ref: SX954872

Enjoy British wildlife on a Ramblers group walk. A walk to Butterdon Ball Wood. Burnicombe, Westcott, Mardon Down, Wooston Farm, Hore Wood, Seaman's Borough, Meadhaydown Wood Picnic Dogs on leads

Time: 10:30. Contact: James & Isabella - telephone: 01297 23045. Most walks are intended primarily for Ramblers’ Association members. Non-members are welcome to join us as guests on two or three walks, though if you walk with a group regularly you will be expected to join the Ramblers.

The Ramblers group walk starting point.. Grid Ref:...

Physical training – 10 simple tips for Success

Exeter-based physical trainer James Buckingham gives advice on how to plan a successful fitness regime...

They say that “failing to plan is planning to fail”. As a trainer and coach I agree with this sentiment. Experience from my own training and from helping others plan and execute their training, if there is no plan in place there is limited progress. So here are a few very simple tips to get you on the right path to physical training success.

  1. Decide on a goal and make a suitable plan to fulfil it. It should be specific, measurable / recordable, realistic and have
  2. ...
