Exeter City Council

Exeter residents urged to act now to get on electoral register and secure chance to vote

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 - 10:55am

People living in Exeter wanting to vote in the next election are being urged to complete a form that has been posted to their homes.

Exeter City Council is carrying out its annual voter registration canvas and people are being urged to check if their information on the electoral register is correct.

The aim of the canvass is to ensure that the electoral register is up-to-date and to identify any residents who are not on it.

Exeter City Council elections take place in May 2018. John Street, Electoral Registration Officer at Exeter City Council said: “Anyone that...

Council Leader calls for inquiry after gridlock in Exeter

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 08/03/2017 - 3:34pm

Exeter City Council Leader Pete Edwards has called for an inquiry into the traffic chaos that brought Exeter to a standstill yesterday (Wednesday 2 August). Most of the city became gridlocked following an accident on the A38 near Haldon Hill and some people were stuck in traffic for up to four hours. Cllr Edwards said these sort of incidents were happening more and more often and Devon County Council as the transport authority needed to focus its efforts on tackling these issues. “I have never seen Exeter’s roads so bad,” blasted Cllr Edwards. “How can an accident on Haldon cause gridlock...

Making Exeter safer and clamping down on anti-social behaviour

The streets of Exeter are set to become safer following the introduction of a new scheme aimed at reducing antisocial behaviour (ASB).

The Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - approved by the City Council last year, will help the police deal with nuisances or problems detrimental to people’s quality of life. Any money raised through fines will be used to help fund community schemes.

Signs are now in place across the city explaining how the PSPO works and what areas it covers.

The PSPO covers the city centre, parts of St Thomas, and includes Bury Meadow, Bull...

Exeter is looking bloomin' marvellous!

Exeter is looking bloomin’ marvellous thanks to a scheme to introduce wild flowers into everyday parts of the city. The Wild City project has seen Exeter City Council team up with Devon Wildlife Trust to encourage more nature into the city. This summer the scheme has paid dividends with roundabouts, parks and road verges breaking out in a riot of colour as the blooms of wild flowers enjoy the summer sunshine. The City Council has been inundated with letters and emails of praise from local residents and visitors enjoying the summer blooms. In Prince Charles Road, cars have been pulling up...

Council set to trial dog fouling and littering enforcement initiative

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 07/13/2017 - 12:32pm

A crackdown on dog fouling and littering in Exeter could soon be brought in, the City Council has revealed. The City Council is looking at ramping up its enforcement of dog fouling and littering across Exeter as part of a 12-month pilot project. Offenders would be issued with fixed penalty fines. The initiative was given backing by the Council’s Executive last night and now goes before Full Council on Wednesday 19 July. Cllr Stephen Brimble, Lead Councillor for Place, said that dog fouling was one of the biggest issues brought to the attention of councillors in the city. “People are fed up...

Councillors asked to back increased budget for Exeter Bus Station redevelopment

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sat, 07/01/2017 - 11:48am

Exeter City Councillors are being asked to back an increased budget to ensure delivery of a new Exeter Bus Station and state-of-the-art new leisure complex.

The developments, funded by Exeter City Council, are seen as crucial to the overall £115m redevelopment of this key city centre site, in partnership with the Crown Estate.

Members of the authority’s Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board are being recommended to approve an uplift of £7.67m in the previously approved budget for the leisure complex and bus station.

Members of Exeter City Council’s Leisure...

New £1 coins only at council car parks from 1 July

Drivers are being encouraged to check they’ve swapped the ‘old for the new’ before they park in any of Exeter City Council’s car parks.

From Saturday July 1, payment machines in City Council-owned car parks will only accept the new 12-sided new pound coins.

At the same time, people are able to ‘go cashless’ by using card or phone payments as quicker ways to pay.

Although old one pound coins don’t go out of circulation until October 15, 2017, Exeter needed to bring the switch in earlier than planned to avoid making expensive changes to cash handling processes to...

Quiz councillors on key city issues

Exeter residents are invited to put forward questions to members of the joint County and City Councils' Exeter Board, at their next meeting on Thursday 13 July at 5:30pm at the Civic Centre in Paris Street.

The Board allocates 15 minutes for their ‘open forum’, with 3 minutes per speaker, with a maximum of three to four speakers to allow time for discussion.

Previously, residents have prompted debate about issues including broadband provision in the city, waste collection and street lighting. Questions need to be on key issues for the city of strategic, political or...

Heavitree paddling pools closed as safety precaution

The City Council has apologised to users of its paddling pools in Heavitree after having to close them to carry out essential maintenance work.

The paddling pools in Heavitree Pleasure Ground have had to close after reports of a number of children slipping on the newly painted surface.

Cllr Stephen Brimble, Lead Councillor for Place, said it was frustrating given the warm and sunny weather but safety was the Council’s number one priority.

“Unfortunately we have had to drain the pools in Heavitree and will be repainting the surfaces using a paint with more sand in it...

Really Big Quiz raises thousands for Devon Freewheelers

Exeter’s 14th annual Really Big Quiz, held at the Corn Exchange in aid of Devon Freewheelers, has succeeded in raising over £7,600 for the Lord Mayor of Exeter’s charity of the year.

Organised by chartered accountancy firm Simpkins Edwards, the quiz saw a packed hall of 72 teams fight it out for the title of Exeter’s brainiest business.

Teams representing local businesses from across Exeter enjoyed a testing evening of questions delivered by Simpkins Edwards’ very own Jeremy Paxman and Bamber Gascoigne; partners John Coombs and Adrian Hemmings.

At the interval, the...
