
B&B owners lose UK Supreme Court case

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Wed, 11/27/2013 - 5:17pm

The owners of a Cornish bed and breakfast who turned away a gay couple have lost their legal battle in the UK Supreme Court.

Owners, Peter 74 and Hazelmary Bull, 69, said that their beliefs as Christian’s prevented them from renting a double room to civil partners Steven Preddy and Martyn Hall.

Speaking after the appeal Hazelmary Bull said: “We are just ordinary Christians who believe in the importance of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

“Our B&B is not just our business, it’s our home. All we have ever tried to do is live according to our own...

Stagecoach South West celebrates sucess at 2013 UK bus awards

Stagecoach South West is celebrating being named as ‘Runner Up’ in the ‘Top Shire’ category at the UK Bus Awards.

The high calibre of submissions in this category means even to be shortlisted is an achievement therefore to achieve a runner up position demonstrates the strength of the operator’s performance. Judges praised the company’s stable network of services, maintenance of rural services, continued investment in new vehicles and passenger growth.

Michael Watson, Managing Director of Stagecoach South West, commented: “I am proud of all my staff who every day contribute...

Exeter School to stage show in new-look hall

The latest phase of improvements to Exeter School has now come to an end with the inauguration of the enlarged dining hall and its smart copper-clad façade.

The newly extended School Hall will be used to its full capacity this week with the Senior School Production of ‘An Italian Straw Hat’ running 28 – 30 November.

Over the past 18 months, the Exeter School Governors have expressed their confidence in the vibrant future by investing well over £2m in providing enhanced facilities across the whole School.

The exciting new Atrium extension to the Junior School, opened...

PCC Tony Hogg in public Q&A

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Wed, 11/27/2013 - 12:01pm

Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg will answer the public’s questions on policing in Devon and Cornwall at a meeting in Plymouth tonight.

At the meeting in the Council House in Plymouth, Tony Hogg along with Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer will take questions submitted online and over the phone.

The doors will open at 7pm with the meeting itself starting promptly at 7:30pm.

The meeting is free to attend but people wishing to come should book places in advance.

It will also broadcast live on BBC Radio Devon and Cornwall and will be hosted by presenter Vic...

Taxis answer 999 calls in South West

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Wed, 11/27/2013 - 11:41am

A Freedom of Infomation (FOI) request has revealed that the South Western Ambulance Trust (SWASFT) has sent taxis to 158 999 calls in 2013/14. The evidence was presented to the House of Commons yesterday by Shadow Health Secretary, Andy Burnham who claimed that the news revealed a deepening crisis in UK A&E’s. Andy Burnham MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said: "People who have faced an anxious wait for an ambulance will be stunned by Jeremy Hunt’s complacency. Despite mounting evidence of the pressure on emergency services, his only response is ‘crisis, what crisis?’ "His failure...

BBC Radio Devon's festive celebrations

BBC Radio Devon will be recording their annual Christmas carol service at Exeter Cathedral on Tuesday 17th December, and they are inviting the people of Exeter to come along and join them.

The carol service will be one of many celebrations for the radio station this year. BBC Radio Devon celebrated their 30th birthday with a charity appeal of ‘Give a Gift’ for the Devon Community Foundation.

The carol service, which will feature music from choirs such as Choir of St Michael and All Angels at Mount Dinham, the Big Noise Chorus and many more, will be broadcast on Christmas...

Recycling rates remain high in Devon

Devon is in the top three performing counties in the country when it comes to recycling its waste, thanks to many of you who make the effort on a daily basis. With a recycling rate of 55%, it remains slightly behind Oxfordshire and Leicestershire in the recycling league tables.

Residents in West Devon have the best recycling rate in the county at 57%, followed closely by Teignbridge (56%) and South Hams (54%) Devon residents are doing very well when it comes to recycling, however householders still produce more waste on average per person when compared to other counties.


Shooting Fish perform in aid of Tissue and Organ Donation

Event Date: 
28/11/2013 - 6:00pm
Mamma Stones

Enjoy the talents of Shooting Fish, a four piece rock band, who will be performing on Thursday 28th November in aid of Tissue and organ donation at Mama Stones.

Shooting Fish perform tracks by artists such as The Foo Fighters, Green Day and many more.

As well as musical performances, those who visit Mama Stones on Thursday night will also be treated to some comic performances.

Doors open at 6pm with a £4 door fee required. 75% of profits raised from entry will go to the cause

Safety campaign launched at Exeter Airport

A campaign has been launched to reduce anti social driving and the number of young people killed or seriously injured on the roads.

Representatives from Devon County Council’s Safe and Sustainable Travel Team, Devon and Cornwall Police, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Teignbridge District Council and Exeter Airport launched the 'The Honest Truth' road safety campaign at Exeter Airport.

The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness of the dangers of drink-driving and fatigue to airport passengers arriving at Exeter before beginning their onward journey home...

Job hunting on the High Street

Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted: Tue, 11/26/2013 - 3:20pm

A homeless man in Exeter’s city centre has been attracting some attention for his imaginative approach to job hunting.

Ken Jones, 44, accompanied by his German Shepherd Bailey is refusing to take any cash from charitable passers-by and is instead looking for employment.

Holding a sign reading “Have you any work 4 me? Farm-Labour, Industrial Cleaning, Re-Cycling, Demolition, Builders Prep, will do Night watch”

Ken said: “I’d like to get a place on a farm for the winter. Get work and a place to stay. I’m from a farming background originally, from Wales.

