Organic Arts awarded Lottery funding

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 3:58pm

Organic Arts is celebrating today after being awarded a grant of £158,385 from the Big Lottery Fund.

The fund will support Organic Arts’ community garden for the next five years which gives people to opportunity to engage in a variety of garden based practical activities on the outskirts of Exeter in Ide.

It offers volunteering opportunities for anyone who wants to get involved but is particularly targeted at people with mental health issues, physical disabilities, learning disabilities and people recovering from addiction.

Volunteer days are offered on Wednesday and Fridays from 10.30am - 4pm with a minibus pickup from Exeter.

Christine Duff from Organic Arts said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this support from The Big Lottery Fund, this gives us our project security for the next five years.

"Enabling us to continue to offer an environment where people with lived experience have the opportunity take part in meaningful volunteering opportunities, build their confidence and skills and to socialise with others in their local community."

For further information about Organic Arts, including details on how to join the community garden, please visit, call 01392 811080 or pop into Exeter CVS.

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