Business Daily

Great South West Regional Roadshow series kicks off with Devon business leaders backing strong role for region on national stage

Business leaders and regional stakeholders convened at the Devon Regional Roadshow to discuss economic priorities and making the case on the national stage.

The Great South West Pan-Regional Partnership launched its series of Regional Roadshows with an event in Paignton on 12 June, in partnership with the Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce.

Local business leaders had the opportunity to identify the key issues which need to be advanced with the incoming Government following the General Election on 4 July.

Business leaders and senior stakeholders from local...




Future Proofing Your Business through PR and Business Strategy

There are many ways that a business can protect itself for the future. Having your business’ best interests in mind can help you avoid setbacks that can cost your company time, effort and money. However, there are many instances to help a business futureproof itself, from press releases to a business strategy that highlight finances.

How can you do this?

Release transparent press releases

The main concern of a press release is to promote something significant and specific within a business. It is, however, also a means to connect and speak to your customers. To...

Brexit could cause potentially soaring overheads for many businesses

After months of negotiations, speculation and rumour, a draft withdrawal agreement for the UK’s departure from the EU has been drawn up. It’s a thoroughly detailed document at 585 pages long , which outlines everything from the transition period, what happens with the Irish border, customs arrangements and a whole lot more.

For the world of business, this has been a long time coming, with many already stating their preparations for the worst-case scenario. As this is only a draft, there’s still a chance that the terms could change. Either way, many businesses are concerned that...

Lightfoot crowned Exeter’s ‘Best Workspace’

Lightfoot, the first connected car technology company to reward better drivers, has been given another reason to celebrate in a month of good news for the Chudleigh-based business. Fresh off the back of their Made in the South West Awards win and the announcement of a £3.2m investment deal from BGF that has also seen ex-CEO of Dyson, Martin McCourt, join the board, Lightfoot has been awarded the title of Best Workspace in the Greater Exeter area

Organised by Exeter-based workplace designers Space, and backed by Exeter City Council and Exeter Chamber, the Space Awards celebrate...

Celebrating Singles’ Day and what it tells us about Chinese retail

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Mon, 11/26/2018 - 6:54am

With Black Friday just past us, U.S. retailers are winding down from one of the biggest retail spending weekends of the whole year. Although it’s not yet known, it’s very likely that the Black Friday weekend has surpassed 2017 net spend which earned retailers a staggering $7.9 billion during a single 24-hour window.

While this is an impressive number, it pales in comparison to the Chinese equivalent, which is hosted by e-commerce giant Alibaba and known colloquially as ‘Singles’ Day’. This years’ iteration took place on 11th November, and managed to top $30 billion over the course...

Nearly half of South West SMEs lack basic digital skills

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 11/25/2018 - 9:27pm

The latest Lloyds Bank Business and Charity Index reveals that half (48 per cent) of South West SME organisations lack the basic digital skills that could drive growth. By embracing digital skills, UK businesses could generate an additional £85billion in turnover according to the report. Yet only 22 per cent of South West businesses are gaining a transactional benefit from trading online in the UK. This figure falls further when it comes to targeting international markets, and just seven per cent of South West businesses use online channels to export. The report also found that only eight...

Chiefs land first blow in three match run against Gloucester

Authored by Mark Stevens
Posted: Sun, 11/25/2018 - 12:16pm

In Part One of the Exeter Chiefs/Gloucester trilogy, it was Rob Baxter's table-toppers that landed the first telling blow.

Devon's finest made it 'eight from eight' in this season's Gallagher Premiership with a display that showed glimpes of sheer brilliance in attack but, more importantly, real determination and desire in defence.

Despite falling behind to two early penalties from Gloucester fly-half Danny Cipriani, the Chiefs recovered sufficiently to lead 10-6 at the break thanks to a converted try from Nic White and a penalty from Gareth Steenson.

Alex Cuthbert'...

Five ways an umbrella company can benefit your business

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Thu, 11/22/2018 - 3:58pm

There is no doubt that the local Exeter business scene is on the up. Recent news such as the £3.2m investment into Lightfoot and £300m vision for the city centre certainly seems to confirm this. Of course, running your own company can sometimes be a challenge with many different things to think about. Chief among these is constantly innovating to streamline your workflow and control your costs.

For many businesses in the city, this can involve using independent contractors at times. Maybe you have a busy few months every year where you need extra help or find them useful for one-...

Local business expanding to Okehampton East Business Park

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 11/21/2018 - 10:58pm

The latest business to purchase a plot at the Okehampton East Business Park has been announced.

Okehampton-based Cladco Profiles, which manufactures and supplies quality roofing, composite decking and cladding products, will be expanding by developing a new industrial unit at Devon County Council's 20-acre employment site.

Over the past five years the company has grown from around 20 employees to more than 40. In order to continue its expansion, Cladco Profiles will develop the new site to provide a warehousing and storage facility for the business. It will also be used for...

Exeter Engineer recognised at national awards for his work to inspire young people

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 11/21/2018 - 5:28pm

Harry Beedham, a graduate engineer at global infrastructure services firm AECOM’s Exeter office, has been recognised at the STEM Inspiration Awards 2018 for his work to encourage young people to consider further science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) study and careers. Since joining AECOM in 2017, Harry has become a STEM Learning Ambassador, regularly organising and attending STEM events to help inspire young people across the South West. He goes into schools to talk to pupils about STEM careers, including the different routes into STEM professions such as apprenticeships...

Charter seeks to clear Exeter's streets of obstacles and clutter

Councils in Exeter have pledged to ensure that the city’s streets, pavements and walkways are kept free of clutter and obstacles and accessible to people affected by sight loss or mobility issues.

Leaders of both Exeter City Council and Devon County Council today (Wednesday 21 November) signed a Clear Streets Charter for the city.

The Charter sets out how the local authorities propose to work together to ensure that the city is as safe and obstacle free as possible. Exeter is one of the first places in the UK to adopt such a charter.

Cllr David Harvey, Exeter City...

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