League of Legends – The current state

David Humphrey
Authored by David Humphrey
Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 11:23am

Over the past decade, esports and video games in general have gained a massive popularity boost. The communities, fan bases, and viewership are skyrocketing, even gaining more popularity than some of the more traditional sports. And stats and records show that League of Legends had a massive say in this uprising of esports. The game has recently celebrated its 10th birthday in the world of esports and it still has the highest viewership out of them all. It also holds the record for the most-watched game worldwide and the game itself is one of the main reasons why esports gained mainstream attention.


League of Legends was developed by the American developer, Riot Games, and it was first released to the public back in October 2009. The game took inspiration from the then-popular title, Warcraft III, and took its first steps as an impressive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. The game was instantly a massive hit due to several obvious reasons: the market lacked more diverse MOBA games, it was absolutely free to play and the game actually delivered a fun and more competitive fast-paced gameplay experience. However the game has seen tons of changes since its release and these include massive visual upgrades, new game modes, and new mechanics.


The gameplay revolves around in-game characters called “champions” who have their own unique skill kits. The main game mode of the game takes players into a 5 vs 5 battle on an arena referred to as the “Summoner’s Rift”. The main objective of the game is to destroy your opponent's “nexus” which is on the opposite side of the map. This objective is achieved by collecting gold, upgrading abilities, buying items, and planning out strategies. And the game also features a few game modes to add more diversity to the game. There have been many game modes in the past, some permanent and some event-exclusive modes. However, the currently available game modes are limited to Summoner’s Rift, Howling Abyss, and Team Fight Tactics. You also occasionally get to see some special game modes now and then. League of Legends originally started with 40 champions and now the game features over 154 champions, after 10 years in action.


The game received massive popularity due to its high competitiveness and fast-paced gameplay style. The game is filled with action and this started to attract more players and fans into the game. Soon official and unofficial tournaments and events were held and broadcasted and made the game even more popular. It is also arguable that League of Legends is what carved the world of esports into what it is today. The second League of Legends World Championship joined history books in 2012 as the most-watched esports event at the time, acquiring a total viewership of over 8 million total viewers alongside 1.1 million concurrent viewers. The esports section of this game still has massive popularity and it only seems to be growing by the day. This has earned the game many “Esports Game of the Year” titles over the course and its World Championship is recognized as one of the best and grandest annual esports events in the entire world.

Issues with the Game

The game is fun and competitive but these features also come with their own downsides. The player base of the game is known to be one of the most toxic in the gaming world. This negatively affects players every day and ultimately leads to rage quitting and other serious consequences. However one of the most common byproducts of players’ negative behavior is the messing up of one’s individual MMR/elo. League of Legends is a team game and when the team is toxic and negative, you will eventually start losing matches. This is often referred to as “being hard-stuck” by the community. However, this issue is mostly common in lower elos. So the ideal choice for players to get out of this hell is to hire a booster to get into a more comfortable elo/rank and start matching up with more positive people. One of the ideal places to hire a booster is www.eldorado.gg and they feature League of Legends boosting services to all kinds of players from all elos for the cheapest prices out there.

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