
Yoga Workshop - Core Strength: Igniting the inner fire

Event Date: 
23/02/2014 - 1:00pm
St Luke's Sports Centre, Heavitree Road, Exeter, Devon, EX12LU

Sunday 23 February Location: St Luke's Sports Centre 13:00-16:00 Cost: £20.00

Much more than just an exercise technique, Yoga is a state of mind that takes a holistic approach to life; cleansing the mind and strengthening the body.

Take some much needed time out and join us on a journey of discovery, as we uncover new ways to find and maintain enthusiasm.

This three hour workshop with professional Yoga instructor Julie Youngt will take a close look at the core muscles and how to activate the support of surrounding muscles groups to aid in sustaining health as...

Train according to recognised muscle fibre types

Authored by pfpexeter
Posted: Sun, 10/14/2012 - 6:28pm

The fibre make up of a muscle group should determine the load and therefore the rep range of the set / exercise being preformed. All muscles have mix of fibre types, but they will have a dominance of one type of muscle fibre over another. Although there are many types of muscle fibres they are generally put in to these categories:

Type 1 – Slow twitch or slow oxidative, are often postural and endurance type muscle fibres. They have a good blood supply (red meat) and as such have a more prolonged work capacity due to the supply and use of O2 to produce energy. The soleus (muscle...