British Transport Police launches new non-emergency text number

You can now text the British Transport Police (BTP) on 61016 to tell them about non-emergency incidents, similar to the ones you would report to the 101 phone number provided by your local police force. In an emergency always dial 999.

The text number will be monitored 24/7 and, while it is not for reporting emergencies, the BTP says it will be able to send officers if required.

When to use the text service:
Text 61016 (or call 0800 40 50 40) when you want to contact the BTP about an issue that doesn't require an emergency response. For example, you can text when:

  • You want to tell about an incident that has already happened
  • You want to tell the BTP about issues affecting your rail journey or your local station
  • You have a general police enquiry
  • If your enquiry concerns buses or roads, you can contact local police anywhere in the country by dialling 101.

When to call 999:
Always dial 999 when you need an urgent police response such as:

  • A crime is happening
  • Someone suspected of a crime is nearby
  • Someone is injured, being threatened or in danger

Send a text message to British Transport Police in a non-emergency - 61016

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