Golf & Country Club Director's Cup

Authored by jenniashford
Posted Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 4:17pm

Saturday 3 May saw 90 competitors battle in the annual 36 hole marathon of the Directors Cup, a Devon County Golf Union Order of Merit event.

The weather was kind with very little wind and mainly sunshine which allowed for some good scoring, even though the course was playing very long.

With the first match off at 6.45am, the pace was set early with Sam Dunn (Teignmouth) returning a 2 over par 71, to lead the morning scorers for a while until Ryan Wheeler (Stover) returned a level par 69 and Adam Bridgewater (Tavistock) opened up with a one over 70.

In the Nett competition, home club member Nigel Old, blitzed the field with a 6 under 63 that wasn’t to be beaten in the morning. Jack Pope (Exeter GCC) who has been showing a great run of form recently, shot a 2 over par gross 71, nett 67. As with any 36 hole event, completing two solid rounds is a challenge with fatigue and pressure taking its toll on some of the morning leaders.

Adrian Hansell (Exeter GCC) fired a great nett 67 in the afternoon to vault up the leaderboard. The only under par gross score of the day came from Alan Gawman of Tavistock Golf Club who returned a fine two under par 67. Once the 36 holes were completed, and with a player only able to win one prize, it was Adam Bridgewater from Tavistock Golf Club who returned a level par 69 in the afternoon to win the overall Directors Cup competition with a nett total of 139 (+1).

The Andrew Redfern Scratch Salver was presented to Ryan Wheeler (Stover) with rounds of 69 and 72 for a +3 total

Much praise was lauded on the condition of the course for the event after a very tough winter

Find out more about golf at Exeter Golf and Country Club

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