NCS- Litter Prevention Project-Haven Banks

Authored by LitterPickers
Posted Friday, September 18, 2020 - 11:43am

We are a group of students on the Outside Education course at Haven Banks in Exeter. We are currently taking part in an NCS Project, as part of the experience we have to come up with a social action project.

Our project idea is a Litter prevention movement, we are aiming to raise awareness of the harmful effect of litter on the environment and about making our city a nicer place to live in. We chose this as our project as we are passionate about the outside world and the majority of our course is spent outdoors. It saddens us to see litter in the river and the sea, as well as strewn around the city. The situation was greatly improved over lockdown, however it seems that littering is creeping back in now since restrictions have eased. 

We went on an organised litter picking walk this week around the city and have been creating content for social media over the last few days.  Our main idea is to recommend to people when they are out and about walking to work or around the city that they a vigilant for litter and if possible and safe they pick it up and dispose of it correctly. Our slogan is : ‘Don’t be a quitter, Pick up you litter’.

We hope to continue to encourage people in the future to maintain this habit and make it a part of daily life. We are also going to try and make it a major part of our ethos at college, especially as we are outside education students.

Instagram: @lit_litter_pickers

Facebook: Don't be a quitter, pick up your litter

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