Top Solar Panel Issues and How to Overcome Them

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - 9:41am

Solar panels are a great way to save energy and protect the environment. But like anything else, they can have problems. In this guide, we talk about the top solar panel issues that people often face.

We will also tell you how to solve these problems. Understanding these solar panel issues can help you keep your solar panels working well for a long time. Keep reading to learn more about these issues and how to fix them.

Solar Panel Efficiency Issues

Solar panel efficiency can drop due to several reasons. Dirt and dust on panels block sunlight, making them less powerful. To fix this, clean your panels regularly with water and a soft brush.

Sometimes, solar panels get too hot in the sun. When they're too hot, they don't work as well. You can plant trees to give shade or use special cooling systems to keep them cool. This will help maintain their efficiency.

Another common issue is a faulty inverter. It's responsible for converting the DC power produced by solar panels into AC power that you can use at home. If your inverter isn't working, your solar panels won't produce electricity. To solve this problem, you should get your inverter checked and replaced if necessary.

Shading Issues on Panels

Shading on solar panels can greatly lower their power output. Trees, buildings, or even chimneys can cause shadows that reduce efficiency. To solve this, you should place your panels in the sunniest part of your roof.

If moving panels isn't possible, trimming trees can help reduce shade. Another solution is using microinverters. These devices help panels work well even when they're partly in the shade.

Remember, even small shadows can have a big impact on performance. Regularly check for new shading issues, especially during different seasons. Being proactive can keep your panels working at their best.

Snowfall Impact on Energy Output

Snow covering solar panels can block sunlight, reducing energy output. To fix this, you need to clear the snow off. However, be careful not to damage them when removing snow.

If snowfall is a regular issue, consider installing panels at an angle which will help snow slide off more easily. Darker panels can help melt the snow faster due to absorbing more sunlight.

In areas with heavy snow, think about getting snow guards. These prevent large amounts of snow from sliding off at once, which can be dangerous. Always make safety a priority when dealing with snow on solar panels.

Weather Damage on Panels

Extreme weather can harm solar panels. Hail, for instance, can crack or break the glass. It's important to check them after any severe weather event.

Strong winds might loosen the panels from their mounts. If you live in a windy area, make sure your panels are securely attached. This can prevent them from getting damaged or falling off.

Lastly, lightning strikes can cause severe damage to the solar system. Although it's rare, a direct hit can ruin your panels or the system's electrical components. Consider a lightning protection system to keep your solar investment safe.

Faulty Wiring Issues

Faulty wiring can cause big problems for your panels. If wires are not connected right, the system might not work at all. This can stop the panels from making electricity.

To fix this, check the wiring carefully and make sure everything is connected properly. A licensed electrician can help fix any wiring issues. This ensures your system is safe and works well.

Sometimes, animals like squirrels chew on the wires. This can damage the system and make it unsafe. To protect your panels, use protective covers on the wires.

Also, regular inspections can catch problems early. This keeps the system running smoothly and safely.

Bird Droppings and Pests Problems

Bird droppings can lower your solar panels' power. Clean them often to remove bird droppings.

Pests like rodents and birds may nest under solar panels. This can damage the wiring. Installing pest guards can keep animals away.

Regular checks can find and fix these issues fast. Always keep the area around your panels clean to prevent pests.


Microcracks in solar panels are tiny breaks in the cells that can cause big problems. They usually happen because of physical stress during installation or bad weather. Microcracks can lower the amount of electricity being produced.

If you think your panels might have microcracks, it's crucial to have them checked by a professional. Using special cameras, they can see these tiny cracks that aren't visible to the naked eye. Fixing microcracks early can help keep your solar panels working well and last longer.

Panel Degradation

Solar panels can get less efficient over time. This is called panel degradation. It happens because sunlight and weather slowly damages them.

Most panels degrade at a rate of about 0.5% to 1% per year. This means after 20 years, panels might be 10% to 20% less efficient than when they were new. Choosing high-quality panels can help slow down this process.

Manufacturers often guarantee that panels will still work at 80% efficiency after 25 years. Regular maintenance can also help keep panels working well. Checking your panels for damage and keeping them clean are good ways to fight degradation.

For anyone looking to understand this issue in depth, a comprehensive guide to best solar questions can offer valuable insights. Such guides explain how long solar panels will last. Remember, proper care can extend the

life of your solar panels significantly.

Overcoming Solar Panel Issues for Sustained Performance

Facing solar panel issues can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and approach, maintaining peak performance becomes manageable. From combating efficiency problems due to environmental factors to addressing physical and electrical challenges, the solutions outlined showcase the importance of regular upkeep and proactive measures.

Armed with this understanding, homeowners can effectively mitigate solar panel issues, ensuring their systems continue to provide sustainable, clean energy. Remember, the longevity and efficiency of your solar panels significantly depend on your commitment to addressing these common concerns diligently.

Discover more empowering insights by exploring our blogs-the key to maximizing your solar energy solutions awaits you.

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