How to get the most out of your heating this Autumn

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Monday, October 19, 2020 - 10:26pm

With the drop in temperature and millions encouraged to stay at home, many of us will want to turn the heating up but may be worried how much this will affect our pocket.

This is why the experts at BestHeating, one of the leading suppliers of affordable, luxury designer radiators have put together ten do’s and don’ts to help you save money on your heating and to heat smarter:


  1. Buy thick curtains – having thicker curtains helps both reduce the amount of colder air coming in and hot air escaping. The thicker the material, the more heat will be contained. Also tuck your curtains behind your radiator to stop even more heat escaping.
  2. Cover up exposed pipes - exposed pipes allow for heat to escape easily. Try covering them in an insulating material to maximise their efficiency.
  3. Only heat the room you spend most time in - Heating rooms in your home that you don’t spend much time in will not only be a waste of energy, but also a waste of your money.
  4. Cover up draughts – you can lose a lot of heat from gaps in your doors and window frames. Make sure you fill in these gaps with a draught proof material, such as draught-proof strips or even just a thick cloth for a quick solution.
  5. Turn your thermostat down by one degree C – Experts have proven that reducing the temperature of your home by one degree C saves you up to £80/year.


  1. Dry your clothes on the radiator - Drying clothes on your radiator will block the heat from dispersing through the room and will have to be left on much longer to have the same effect without a blockage. 
  2. Keep the heating on all day – Your home will take longer to heat up if you keep turning it on and off, but it will save you more money by putting your heating on a timer for a few hours a day. Try setting a timer on your boiler, so it only turns on for a few hours a day.
  3. Allow your radiators to get dirty – if you notice any cold spots at the bottom of your radiators when the heating is on full this could mean you have a build-up of sludge in the system. This stops the hot water circulating properly, stopping your radiators from getting hot enough when you need the heating the most. Give your radiators a good clean to make sure you aren’t wasting money on heating!
  4. Turn your thermostat above 18 degrees C – Research shows that the average thermostat setting in the UK is 20.8 degrees C. However, experts have stated that 18 degrees C is warm enough to remain comfortable during winter.
  5. Don’t place large pieces of furniture in front of your radiator –Blocking your radiator with furniture, such as sofa or a table, will stop the flow of warm air. This blockage will cause your boiler to work harder to heat your home, resulting in expensive heating bills.

BestHeating’s John Lawless commented on the drop in temperature: “Colder Autumn weather always sparks the debate around leaving your heating on low all-day vs a couple of hours a day. Sure, your boiler will have to work a little harder to heat up a cold home when you first switch it on but having it on constantly will use more energy than just switching it on when you need it.

“The best thing to do to lower bills and keep warm is to insulate your home, prevent draughts, and set up better heating controls. Don't have the heating on full whack in a room you don't use, just heat the room you spend the most time in.

“Our advice is to heat smarter. You can't control the weather, nor the lockdown rules, but you can control your heating and how your home loses that heat.”


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