DIY Installation Tips: Installing Luxury Vinyl Click Flooring Like a Pro
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Posted Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 2:13am

Are you itching to embark on a home improvement project that not only enhances your space but also lets you roll up your sleeves and take pride in your DIY skills? Well, flooring is often a project that people love to undertake at home. It can completely transform a space and leave you feeling satisfied.

But, if you’ve never attempted laying flooring before, you might be wondering what the best type to go with it. Well, this is where luxury vinyl click flooring comes in. This is very popular, and it’s possible to install it yourself. This guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Why Choose Luxury Vinyl Click Flooring for DIY Installation

When it comes to DIY-friendly flooring options, luxury vinyl click flooring is a top contender. Here's why:

User-Friendly Click-and-Lock System: Unlike some finicky flooring materials, luxury vinyl click flooring boasts a user-friendly installation system. It's as easy as aligning and clicking the planks or tiles into place, creating a snug and secure fit.

Versatile Design Options: Luxury vinyl comes in a wide variety of styles, patterns, and finishes, allowing you to achieve the look you desire without the hefty price tag of traditional materials. You'll find everything from stunning hardwood replicas to elegant stone imitations. Head to this site to check out all the designs you can get for your home.

Suitable for Bathrooms and Kitchens: Generally, DIY enthusiasts want to upgrade their kitchens and bathrooms the most. This is due to the amount of time you spend in these rooms. Often, the flooring needs changes and updates. Thankfully, luxury vinyl click flooring is water-resistant, making it the perfect choice. Just ensure that you install it correctly to benefit from this advantage.

Pre-Installation Preparation

Proper preparation is key to a successful luxury vinyl click flooring installation. Here's what you need to do before you get started:

1. Clean and Clear the Subfloor: Start with a clean slate. Remove any debris, dirt, or old flooring material. A smooth subfloor ensures a flawless installation.

2. Level the Subfloor: Ensure the subfloor is level and free from major imperfections. Use a leveling compound if needed, and let it dry thoroughly before proceeding.

3. Check for Moisture: If you're installing over concrete or in a basement, use a moisture meter to check for excessive moisture. Install a moisture barrier if necessary to prevent issues down the road.

4. Acclimatise the Flooring: Unbox and lay out the luxury vinyl flooring in the installation area for at least 48 hours. This allows it to acclimate to the room's temperature and humidity, preventing future expansion or contraction.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Now that you've prepped your space and gathered your tools and materials, it's time to roll up your sleeves and install your luxury vinyl click flooring. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Prepare the First Row

Start by ensuring the wall you're beginning with is straight. Measure and mark a guideline along this wall, leaving a 1/4-inch gap for expansion. Lay out the first row of planks or tiles with the tongue side facing the wall—place spacers along the wall to maintain the gap.

Step 2: Cut to Fit

Measure and cut the last piece in the first row to fit, leaving a 1/4-inch gap from the wall. You can use a utility knife for straight cuts and a jigsaw or circular saw for more complex cuts around obstructions.

Step 3: Install the Second Row and Beyond

For the second row and onwards, insert the tongue of the new plank or tile into the groove of the previous one at a slight angle. Then, gently lower it to lock it into place. Use a tapping block and rubber mallet to ensure a tight fit between planks or tiles. Continue this process, maintaining a 1/4-inch gap along all walls.

Step 4: Stagger Seams

To achieve a professional look, stagger the seams between rows. The rule of thumb is to ensure the end joints in adjacent rows are at least 6 inches apart.

Step 5: Trim Door Jambs and Moulding

When you encounter door jambs or molding, use a piece of flooring as a guide to trim them 

to the appropriate height. This allows the flooring to fit snugly underneath.

Step 6: Final Row

The last row may require trimming for width. Measure the width needed and cut the planks or tiles accordingly, leaving a 1/4-inch gap against the wall.

Step 7: Remove Spacers

Once the flooring is installed, remove the spacers along the walls and replace them with baseboards or trim.

What To Do After Installation

Once you’ve installed the luxury vinyl click flooring, it’s time to admire your work. You can check out what you’ve done and be proud that you’ve tackled the task successfully. While you’ll be excited to get the room back to normal and move everything back in, you should hit the pause button. In particular, it’s best to wait 24 hours before moving furniture back inside the room. You want the flooring to settle and have a moment.  Then, you’ll be free to move in all the furniture and design the room how you want.

If you want to preserve your new flooring, you can always use rugs and mats. This can be particularly helpful in high-traffic areas of the home. What’s more, it can help to put pads on the bottom of furniture legs. This can help with the weight and ensure that your new flooring is protected. Yes, luxury vinyl click flooring is durable enough to withstand most things. But, these small adjustments can ensure that it looks new for longer and you can enjoy your new renovation.

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