Health & Beauty

What is Prostate Cancer and How to Treat it

Prostate cancer is among the ten most common types of cancer in the world.

Approximately one in every eight men gets diagnosed with prostate cancer, so raising awareness and information is vital.

In this article, we want to give all the information on prostate cancer and some ideas on how it can be treated.

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for general information purposes only and should not be used as professional medical advice. For personalized recommendations or concerns about prostate cancer, contact a medical professional !

What is...

Five Ways to Relieve Symptoms of Eczema Naturally

Eczema is an inflammatory, chronic and non-contagious skin condition usually characterised by a dry, itchy and tight skin. Eczema can vary in severity while its symptoms might come and go for months, years or throughout life, making it essential to try various treatments to manage your eczema.

Many people with eczema use products that go beyond the medications prescribed by their doctor as a complementary treatment for this skin condition. Here are five tips that are believed to help soothe eczema symptoms or prevent future flare-ups. However, before considering any type of...

Gearing up for a New Year of combatting Covid: How private healthcare is bracing itself for more challenges in 2021

Authored by dspilka
Posted: Mon, 01/04/2021 - 6:03pm

2020 may have become a year to forget for the vast majority of individuals across the world, but it appears that the UK may be heading for a difficult start to the new year if warnings over recent Covid spikes across the country are to be understood.

With an unprecedented number of new daily cases potentially becoming a reality, the private healthcare sector is gearing up for a new year of fighting the pandemic.

According to an Evening Standard report , the relaxing of Coronavirus restrictions over the Christmas period in the UK may lead to an “unrelenting tsunami” of...

6 New Wellness Habits You Should Start Doing in 2021

The new year brings hope for many people that their lives will be better. This is the reason why resolutions are often made at the beginning of the year, indicating a fresh start. Thus, the new year is also the best time to begin a new habit that proves to be beneficial for your overall well-being. In line with this, below are some new wellness habits that you should start doing in 2021.

Mind-Boosting Diet

While the idea of getting into a diet maybe not so new when it comes to wellness, particularly after the holiday season, this may still be considered new to you if you have...

What You Should Know Before Getting a Chemical Peel

There are lots of facial treatments on the market both invasive and non-invasive which you can have to improve the look and feel of your skin, but not all of them will be right for you or your skin. Invasive procedures often have long recovery times and may not be something you can fit into, or around your everyday life. A non invasive procedure is more likely to be easier to fit into your day and your lifestyle.

There is so much in everyday life that can damage your skin - from the sun's UV rays to smoke and air pollution. Beautiful skin is something you deserve and something...

SWASFT, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

‘Stay safe this New Year’ says ambulance service 

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is asking people to welcome the start of 2021 safely, and not make unnecessary 999 calls.

The NHS is experiencing high demand for its services, due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic alongside normal winter pressures.

SWASFT dealt with around 2,600 incidents a day between 19 and 28 December, and is expecting a busy New Year.

It is asking people only to call 999 in a life-threatening emergency, and to contact NHS 111 for less serious medical problems.

Parts of the South West have...

4 ways to help relieve some of the stresses and strains of this year

It’s been one hell of a year, and the effects of all the upheaval of what has been a very stressful time for all of us will have taken its toll on everyone. While the bigger issues of 2020 clearly need bigger solutions there are some things that all of us could consider as ways to combat the effects on ourselves.

This is not by any means a complete list, and certainly not medical advice, but a few pointers in the direction of a few solutions that could take the edge off of what could easily be the worst year for a generation.

#1 Exercise

For a lot of people, exercise...

New Year 2021: the must-have vegan products for your skincare

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Mon, 12/28/2020 - 11:16am

People are caring more and more about the environment and what they put into their body. It makes sense then that vegan skincare has seen a boom over the last few years. It is very probable that you are already using vegan products and just don’t realise it. Such has been the demand over the last few years that most companies just started to change the way they produce their skin care.

Entire vegan skincare ranges are still hard to come by as even the most organic and cruelty-free ranges still use animal byproducts such as beeswax or lanolin. These need to be swapped to fruit...

Summary on the working and effects of Cannabidiol

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, one of the two components extracted from the cannabis plant. The other one is the THC.

When humans consume CBD, the effects are vastly intuitive. Fortunately, the drug is well-tolerated by our systems and has so far, proved to be non-toxic. The beneficial effects of CBD have stirred up a great deal of medical research. In this article, we would discuss in detail the effects of CBD and how those effects are produced within the human system.

How does CBD work?

CBD works on the endocannabinoid system (EBS) of your body. Though still in the...

ambulance, SWASFT

When you should call 999 this Christmas

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 12/23/2020 - 3:25pm

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) is reminding people only to call 999 in a genuine life-threatening emergency this Christmas.

The trust is anticipating a high demand for the 999 service over the festive period, due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic alongside normal winter pressures.

It has dealt with around 2,650 calls a day so far this month, and expects the final nine days to be among its busiest of the year.

SWASFT has revealed another selection of inappropriate emergency calls made to its control room recently:...

Hair loss

What Is The Most Effective Hair Loss Treatment?

The issue of losing excess hair can be temporary or permanent, and It is much more common In men. There are many factors with a potential contribution to losing hair. There are also many treatment options available to help men handle it. This article will provide you with essential pieces of information about this topic and the conclusion of the most suitable method of treating unfortunate hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, causes the majority of incidences of male hair loss. However, there are many other reasons a man...

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