Tips on how to use Korean Sunscreen for better results
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Posted Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - 9:40am

Generally, when you step outside, you apply sunscreen to your exposed skin. However, it is not that simple; in order to make sure that your sunscreen is working properly, try to understand when, where and how you can apply sunscreen.

Before we explain some of the tips for using Korean sunscreen, let's understand...

Why is sunscreen so important?

It is essential that you use a sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater in order to keep your skin younger-looking, protected as well as resilient. If you use sunscreen with other protective measures, you can decrease the risk of skin cancer as well as early skin aging.

When to apply sunscreen bfore heading outside?

You should apply Korean sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside so that it gets absorbed before you step out. Most people apply sunscreen immediately after getting dressed; this is not much use as so much of it gets rubbed off on your clothes. According to studies, the minute unprotected skin gets daylight; damage starts occurring.

How to apply Korean sunscreen?

To apply sunscreen first, take ½ teaspoon of the sunscreen if you want to use it on your face and a small glass full for your body. However, this is a standard measurement, and it will depend upon your body type. In order to make sure you are applying a good amount of sunscreen

a.  Spread a layer of sunscreen over the areas of the skin that will be exposed to daylight.

b.  Then massage the layer into the skin.

c.  If you have a schedule for a long day outside, try applying for another thinner layer.

When should you re-apply sunscreen?

Most companies give directions for reapplying sunscreen after two hours. Now, this is not the same for water-resistant sunscreen, which has a separate timeline for application. Most people ask this question, that if you have makeup on, how can you reapply sunscreen after every two hours?

Let us explain. Most companies give such directions because it has been found that people don’t apply sunscreens appropriately at the beginning. However, if you are applying sunscreen correctly in the beginning, you need not reapply.  The reason is that SPF is actually the time rating of how long you can work in the sun without burning. So if a product is rated SPF 30 or greater, it is going to stay much longer than 2 hours.

Our general recommendations for applying sunscreen are listed below

  • Apply sunscreen liberally to your exposed skin every day.
  • If you have a long schedule outside, try to wear SPF-rated products.
  • You can also layer sunscreen products with a moisturizer with SPF + a foundation with SPF as well as with SPF-rated powder.
  • If you are going swimming or have a tendency for perspiring more, you can use a water-resistant sunscreen.

Summing up

These are some of the tips that would really be beneficial for you. Follow these tips for applying Korean sunscreen and get flawless and healthy skin. 

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