Tips for dealing with back pain

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 6:46am

A reported 2.5 million people in the UK experience some form of back pain each day. Plus, the issues don’t discriminate when it comes to age, as both young and elderly people can develop temporary or chronic back pain. Also, it might surprise you to learn that people in office jobs are more likely to experience the issue than manual workers.

If you are one of the many people enduring the problem, some tactics and products may ease your discomfort and restore your quality of life. Read these tips for dealing with back pain.

Stay Active

When back pain strikes, you might feel like bed rest is the best solution for the problem. However, it can make your pain and stiffness much worse. Instead, try to remain active to ease your discomfort and improve your mobility.

Various exercises can alleviate back pain at a faster rate, such as:

Over-the-Counter Painkillers

Over-the-counter painkillers could ease troublesome back pain. The likes of ibuprofen, aspirin, and paracetamol are the best options. However, follow the packaging directions to consume the correct dosage and ensure it is safe for your needs. For example, pregnant women must avoid taking ibuprofen unless prescribed by their doctor.

Hot or Cold Therapy

Hot or cold therapy can provide relief from back pain. Apply a hot water bottle or a bag of frozen peas to the area, which you can wrap in a towel or cloth to prevent burns. Alternatively, pick up hot or cold compression packs from a local pharmacy. The tactic could prove effective when used in combination with an over-the-counter painkiller.
Wear a Back Support

A back support can ease a variety of upper and lower back complaints. You can find every type of back support you will need to alleviate your pain and improve your posture at, from a ventilating posture corrector to lower back support. Plus, you can discreetly wear a back support underneath your clothing, which will provide more confidence and comfort when at work, playing sports, or performing everyday activities.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude might not seem like the best way to ease back pain, but people who stay optimistic when experiencing pain reportedly recover at a quicker rate. Rather than dwelling on the problem, try to look on the bright side. For example, if your back pain has forced you to skip a sports game or a day of work, look for the silver lining, such as spending more time at home with your family or taking a break from your everyday routine.

Seek Medical Help

Most temporary back problems tend to ease within a few days. If the pain doesn’t subside after a few weeks or months, or you’re struggling to cope with the discomfort, book an appointment with a doctor for medical assistance.

After examining your back, a doctor can discuss possible treatments to alleviate your complaints, such as prescription medication or a professional massage. Alternatively, they may refer you to either a physiotherapist or a specialist to receive a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. You could even contact a physiotherapist directly to receive immediate advice and support.

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