Taking Care of Your Metal Dental Braces

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Saturday, January 9, 2021 - 3:16pm

Whatever type of dental braces you wear – metal, clear, lingual or ceramic – it is important to know how to take care of them. Braces, especially the self-ligating styles, are quite cumbersome. But, if you can learn to take proper care of them, they will feel more effective and comfortable, so you won't get tired of waiting for that perfect smile.

Ensuring your oral health while wearing braces

With or without braces, you must practice good oral hygiene. But you have to be more vigilant when you wear braces, to prevent staining your teeth, maintain healthy gums and prevent you from developing bad breath.

If you have braces, it is essential to brush your teeth after every meal as food particles can be left between the metal and your teeth. If you cannot brush your teeth after a meal, be sure to rinse your mouth with mouthwash or water. Doing so will remove food and plaque build-up until the time that you can finally brush your teeth.

Taking care of your braces

While metal braces are the most effective for severe misalignment, you have another option – using a clear aligner. Invisalign is available from dental practices across the country, which means that, if you are looking for other options to align your teeth, there will always be someone on-hand to talk to. If you are in Gloucestershire, then you can visit a Cheltenham Invisalign clinic for an assessment and possible treatment.

You should not forget your oral hygiene practices when you have braces. Here are several ways to ensure that you can take care of your teeth and your braces while undergoing the phases of your orthodontic treatment.

Brushing your teeth. This is an important oral hygiene practice that you should do even if you are not wearing braces. Since plaque and food particles are trapped in the brackets, which can cause problems later, brush your teeth after a meal. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to access the areas that are hard to reach.

Learn the proper brushing technique. Start by brushing along the gum line. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle towards the gum. After brushing the gum line, hold the brush at a downward angle from the top of the metal brackets, and an upward angle to brush the area at the bottom of the brackets.

Use dental floss. The surest way to get rid of small food particles that stay between your teeth is by flossing. Manoeuvring the floss might be difficult at times. It is better to use interdental brushes or waxed floss with threaders for braces. Be gentle when flossing so you do not damage the braces.

Avoid some foods. While you can eat many types of food when you have braces, your dentist will definitely warn you to avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, and chewy food. Avoid biting your nails or chewing the end of your pen, because doing so may dislodge a band or bracket, or even snap the archwire, which means that you have to see to your dentist.

Aside from the type of food to avoid, your dentist will tell you not to consume sugary drinks and food items to prevent decay and staining around the brackets.

For the most part, braces are ugly attachments, although, in some places, it is a fashion statement. You are going to endure a few years of wearing braces so you can get that perfect smile. Therefore, take care of your teeth and braces to achieve your goal.

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