A Few Top Tips to Live a More Optimistic and Fruitful Life

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2018 - 10:27am

Life’s tough. You don’t need us to tell you that. The struggle to keep up appearances and meet expectations is enough to throw anyone off. So much so that thousands suffer from severe anxiety and stress. For many, stepping out of the dread and into a more fruitful life seems like a fairytale story. Maintaining an optimistic approach to life has never been this difficult, yet, it is even more important than ever.

How you treat yourself and others, as well as the ways you act, plays an influential role in your mental and physical health. You can make a monumental difference in your life if you start adopting small but significant habits of optimism. Optimism, or feelings of hopefulness, is a powerful outlook on life whereby the thought of the future becomes increasingly satisfying. We have outlined a few tips to start living a more optimistic life and, in doing so, leading a more fruitful one. By incorporating all or a few of them, you can look to the future with confidence and look back at the past without regret.

1. Treat Yourself Right

Begin with your body. By ensuring that you look after your body, you can keep your mental health in tip-top shape. This is attributed to the fact that physical exercise stimulates important brain functions and pathways. Exercise is a catalyst to an active and happy mind. Furthermore, you can support your body with essential nutrients by taking quality health supplements. If you are searching for a specific supplement or browsing market options, then head over to Reviewy. It is a great resource that provides in-depth reviews of all the current products on the market. Taking supplements can combat nutritional deficiencies that are common contributors to feelings of pessimism and anxiety. For example, low levels of B vitamins can lead to depression. Click here to read more about this.

As we have already pointed out, your health is directly affected by your emotions. For example, it's unlikely that you will succeed in your career if you feel despondent towards your job. This is because you will not make an effort to improve your quality of work. Or, you won’t slim down if you look in the mirror and feel resentment about your body. This is because you won’t make an effort to shape up. The, often, unrealistic feelings that you feel can hinder any sort of self-development. It is imperative that you begin exercising positivity and treating yourself better to counteract the detrimental effects of self-loathing. Self-loathing is categorized by a hatred of oneself and it can be extremely harmful. It is important to start accepting who you are. You can start doing this through:

  • Setting positive affirmations.
  • Recognizing your strengths.
  • Caring for loved ones.
  • Forgiving yourself for failure.
  • Refusing to give in to your inner critic.

2. Express Your Gratitude

Caring for loved ones, mentioned above, is a great way to start feeling more optimistic. This is because appreciating someone who has done something for you connects you on a deeper level, than something as trivial as a social media does. Showcasing and expressing your gratitude allows you to reflect on the past and implement tangible changes to your actions. As a result, you can begin to feel sensations of fulfillment as you acknowledge what you have rather than what you do not.

How can you do this?

Firstly, wake up in the morning and ask yourself this simple question: What am I grateful for today?

Then, think about small, actionable things that you can do to show that you are grateful. These should be as simple as making your partner a cup of tea, accompanying your friend as they walk their dog, or spending an hour with your grandparents. These little actions have a major impact on your outlook on life. Here are a few more great suggestions.

3. Make Small Steps Count

To move forward, we need to learn from our mistakes. When practicing optimism, it is important to recognize failure and implement actionable steps to overcome it.

Ask yourself: what is something that I can do right now to make this situation better?

Questions like this can be more beneficial than asking why something happened. This is because sometimes it is exceptionally difficult to rationalize why we have failed or were mistreated. This is because we don’t see the bigger picture. If you start asking what you can do now, instead, you can begin to travel down a different path to your goals. As you grow and develop, by taking small steps, the big picture will unfold and the answers will reveal themselves. By keeping positively productive, you will promote optimism.

There you have it, a few simple things that you can do to start living a more optimistic and fruitful life. While these may not solve all your problems, they can have a beneficial impact on your mental and physical health.

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