7 Elements to understand for an effective narrative

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, May 11, 2020 - 9:26am

This article shall discuss the seven critical elements that a writer must bear in mind before he/she drafts his/her tale. But before explaining the features, there is this question. What is narrative writing? It is nothing but a form of writing that conveys a story. To communicate information, the writer can choose one of the four classical methods. Narrative writing is one in it.

Why is narrative text important?

Though there are four traditional means to present information, narrative writing is one among the commonly adopted. So, what makes it significant? Narrative writing enables people to bring out their ideas creatively in the form of stories. In this way, it will be more appealing and a source of pleasure to the reader.

The seven essential elements to writing a compelling narrative

Generally, seven significant components help to bring out an excellent tale. Each of these shall be discussed in the following excerpts.

  1. Plot

The course of the occurrence of events in a narrative is what is termed as a plot. What an unpredictable and worthy plot can contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of a description is indeed huge. For a compelling narrative, a clear understanding of this component and how it affects the progress of the story matter.

The plot is the total of all the significant events that take up in the story, like the conflicts happening, the ultimate climax, and finally, the conclusion. It also includes background information. Several writers utilize the plot to outline their stories before they are initiating the entire writing process.

  1. Setting

The setting refers to the time, environment, and place in which the narrator or the essential characters set off. The setting is a narrative element that is extremely important to bring out the true essence of the story. It is that place where you feel transported to and is experiencing, while you are reading a book. The effectiveness of the picking up of the setting that is suitable for your story indeed plays a role in making the story believable.

  1. Characters

It is through the action, thoughts, and dreams of the characters that the story progresses. The behavior of the tale is analyzed by how the characters in the story are set and behave. Selecting apt actors can have a long-lasting impact on the minds of readers. No wonder that many roles in the books are treasured in the hearts of the readers. Thus, it is worthwhile to invest your time and effort to arrive at the right characters that are suitable for your story and the plot.

  1. Viewpoint

It refers to the tone or manner in which you communicate the story with your readers. That is, whether it is in the first, second, or third person. Though it might sound unimportant, wonders are what the right selection of the viewpoint can do to enhance the beauty of your story. Thus, a writer must think deeply on the aspect and must be able to follow it throughout the story, unless where required. This is a craft that dissolves into one’s mastery with practice though it feels to be a little bit effortful for the beginners.

  1. Theme

This is one of the fundamental elements of a narrative. Let it be any piece of art, story, picture, painting, or music; it will always be centered on a theme. The occurrence of the events and the staging of the characters etc. will be very well inclined to this central theme.

This component can be defined as what lesson that figures in your tale learned by the end. In a poem, it refers to the message that you give to the readers. Having a relevant, unique, and beautiful theme can help the readers relate to it and keep your writings close to their hearts.

  1. Symbolism

This is one of the critical elements of a compelling narrative that is not considered very much. But the layers of the tale can be further established with the aid of this significant element. A famous example of symbolism that had effectively helped in the narrative is the scar in the Harrypotter’s head. This symbol communicates the message that the magic boy had a terrible past and is still living with the bitterness of it. You can understand how wonderfully the writer can bring a lasting impression on the appearance of her protagonist.

  1. Conflict

Conflicts are what rises in the midway of the story and lead it to the end. They change the direction of story-telling and motivate the reader to cross their fingers.

Practice turns things easier.

The seven main elements that contribute toward compelling narrative is detailed in the above excerpts. However, you need not worry if you have not mastered it yet. Things turn perfect with practice. Therefore, don’t lose spirits and continue writing. You are on the way to bring out the best in you that can amuse the readers and make them jump high up.

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