How Do You Encourage Employee Retention?

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Sunday, August 2, 2020 - 10:00am

Nothing hurts more than the departure of your top-performing employee/s. First, you are left with double responsibility; you have to get their roles executed on top of your regular duties. Secondly, you have to counter the impacts of their departure on the rest of the employees and finally find a replacement.

However, talented employees don’t just come. It might take you a lot of time and resources to get the perfect replacement. To avoid possible losses or failures, you need to invest in employee retention strategies.

Here are several tips you can employ to encourage employee retention.

Hire the Right Team at the Start

Poor recruitment practices increase the rate of employee departure. During the startup, ensure that your recruitment team members are honest and well-versed in the organization's details. The details may include the organizational goals, culture, and expectations of employees.

Also, the team members should be aware of the available positions and relevant qualifications. Equipping the recruitment team with the right information will enable them to carry out the onboarding exercise effectively. As such, your new employees will be well informed on what they need to do to positively impact the organization. Well trained employees will stick in the company for an extended period.

Incentivize them

Just like customers, employees love appreciation. Come up with a reward scheme for top-performing employees. Interact with them often to inquire about the challenges they are facing. Have a well-laid plan for employee retirement benefits and inform them of the same.

If possible, consider increasing their salary. If you find it too costly to motivate all employees with a salary increase, you can award it to the ‘high risk’ employees. These are the critical employees whose departure can leave the company limping. According to experts, being mindful of your employees’ welfare enhances their activity and their stay.

Explore the Loopholes at Your Place

Various reasons can lead to employee departure. Perhaps you have poor organizational management, or maybe the working environment is not safe for them. One of the common signs of employee resignation is their poor performance.

It is thus essential to identify the poorly performing departments and identify any shortfalls which may discourage them in their operations. For instance, outdated machines may slow down the production process, making the operators unable to meet the target of the day. If the managers in charge yell at the workers instead of replacing the machines, they may discourage the workers leading to their departure.

Prioritize on Employee Engagement

Employees would love that personalized attention from their employer. It gives them a feeling of recognition and worth in the organization. To achieve this, you can assign them responsibilities and the expectations thereof, involve them in decision making and address their failures politely.

You can also invest in employee training to boost their engagement in their roles. However, such training should be the kind that helps them broaden their skill set, helps them to become mentors, and gives them direction on what they need to do to grow. Employee engagement will help them to take their responsibilities more seriously.

Be a Brand They Can Boast Of

We live in an activism age. No one in the new generation will love being associated with a poorly reputable organization. As such, you should ensure that your business is credible enough for them to stay.

You can build your reputation by providing quality goods or services, addressing customer needs in the right manner, creating a favorable work environment and setting, and acting on a well-laid plan for workers’ pre-retirement or retirement benefits. Also, your brands can stand out if you engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR may include doing activities like supporting charitable organizations, conserving the environment, and fighting for the disadvantaged in society.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Managers

Managers can mess with everything in the organization, especially if they are not well qualified. To avoid the possible menace, ensure that you select managers who are well experienced and qualified for a particular role.

Besides proper selection, you should also hire specialists to train them on how to handle different personalities and motivate employees. The managers also need training on how to manage conflicts, stress, and crisis. In that way, they will be in a position to relate well with your employees. A good relationship will enhance employee retention in the business.

Employees are the reason for the survival of any business. Their departure can lead to significant losses or even closure of an organization.

Thus, you should have strategies to retain them in your business. Such strategies include incentivizing them, among others, discussed in the article. You can also use custom strategies provided that they impact your business positively.

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