Customer Survey for major Cornish retailer

Finding out what your visitors really think surely has to be a good thing doesn’t it?

Here at Exeter-based GleaveMedia ( we have considerable experience in doing just that, having just completed a major survey project for a Cornish Retail business.

They wanted to find out more about their customer base and not forgetting the customers who not only don’t use them but may or may not have even heard of them.

This project involved on site surveys in this major South West Retailer as well as surveying at local towns nearby the principal location in Cornwall to ensure we got a really diverse customer selection, ensuring statistically correct and valid results from real people at the location and in the surrounding area.

So why survey your customers?
The surveying of your customer base (and potential customer base) can provide a direct insight into how happy your products and services make your customers and on where you should focus your future efforts.

Common goals of many surveys include:

  • Measuring how loyal your customers are; 
  • New product launches; 
  • Helping human resource departments train staff or execute new staff initiatives; 
  • How good your customer service actually is; 
  • Staff training and new ideas or plans. 

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