Customer retention: The key to more sales and revenue

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, November 23, 2020 - 7:52am

Melbourne is one of the fastest developing cities of Australia and having a thriving digital solution company allows you to make a fortune. And if you wish to see your company thrive in the market, then acquiring great digital marketing in Melbourne should be on your priority list.

Most marketing strategies are dedicated toward attracting and converting potential clients into customers. A steadyinflux of new customers is the main reason for the growth and profitability of a business indeed and this is why a lot of companies spend most of their marketing budgets on generating new customers. However, if you see the situation differently, then retaining your previous customers is as important.

It is frequently overlooked by the companies and if you want to make your rapport in the market then retaining your existing customers is the key.

Common reasons for customer churn are:

A pitiable customer experience

If you want to know one of the biggest reasons behind customer turnover, then you will find poor customer service in its roots. As per some studies, more than 70% of customers stopped doing business with a company due to bad customer service they experienced.

Convenience, appreciation, and availability of otherwise hard to find products/services are some of the main reasons why a purchaser chooses your company. If you offer them a lousy support team then you will not only lose the most forgiving of the customers but push away the new potential customers with good buyer capital.

Lack of support shown to clients

Bigger companies can have their off-days and things can go wrong sometimes. However, it is an unavoidable part of any business. The success of your business will lie in how you respond to your customers and their problems and how hassle-free and easily resolve them.

If your customer faces a functionality problem with the product or service that you have sold or the customer is unsatisfied with their purchase then it is your sole responsibility to resolve these issues on time. Showing support will build a good rapport with your client base.

Experience of Poor User Service

A mediocre user-experience is the reason why a lot of customers run out of patience and give up on your brand. If there is a repetitive theme to the complaints, then it is high time that you look into it. If your resolution to these issues is consistently unsatisfactory, then thinking about retaining your client is not a good assumption.

How do you turn customers into brand promoters?

Offer tremendous customer service

The fundamental of encouraging repeat purchase is providing a professional and satisfactory customer experience. With the help of the terrific customer service provided a customer will show interest in your business and will stay on till long even after the purchase has been made.

When customers begin to refer your services to their friends and family then and only then you can say that your customer service was successful.

In the event of a customer encountering problems down the track, instead of complaining, they will be much more likely to resolve these issues alongside you, when they feel their issues have been heard and also feel appreciated for buying from you.

Encourage Customer Testimonials 

Case studies, interviews, reviews and user-generated content are some of the best ways to authenticate your positive recommendations and customer experiences. By highlighting these stories on your website and social media platforms, you are not only boosting your customer acquisition strategy but also cementing the existing customers as valuable lifetime investors.

These testimonials will give your existing customers a tale to attach to your business whilst also functioning as certification for probable customers.

Engage regularly with your audience

The main motive of having a content marketing team is to engage with the customers frequently. In order to strengthen the relevancy, putting an industry-specific content is a must. This type of content will strengthen your relationship with the existing customer base.

Uploading social media posts, blogs and articles regularly will assign authority to your business and make your audience much more likely to have faith and put investment in your business. Firms that are experts in digital marketing in Melbourne will help you reach out to the customers and help you retain their capital.

Offer Discounts, Special Offers and have Loyalty Programs

Loyalty is very rare in these times and if you want and it is very important to reward loyalty. Measure the LTV of your existing customers and determine promotion or discount that is not only economically feasible for your business but also exhibits how much you value your chronic customers.

These types of programs are remarkably cost-effective and they can also be hitched to acquire more feedback about your product or service.

Final Words

If you see the broad picture then you will realize that returning customers add value to your business that cannot be replaced by new customers.

Instead of conventional methods like investing heavily in lead generation methods, sometimes, it can be way more beneficial to allow your existing customer base to fuel and encourage new customers. Various firms and companies of digital marketing in Melbourne will help you retain the customer with great strategies.

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