All you need to know about concrete cutting

David Humphrey
Authored by David Humphrey
Posted Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 9:37am

As a contractor, there are a plethora of scenarios where you may need to remove a precise area of concrete on a job site, and a simple jackhammer may be appropriate for straightforward demolition jobs. It won't do any trick if you need to maintain the integrity of the surrounding areas of concrete. Precision concrete cutting offers professionals like these Concrete Patio Contractors a clean, effective solution for these particular situations.

Some issues with Traditional Concrete Demolition:

The traditional concrete removal tactics can cause problems when you don't want to demolish an entire substantial area. The vibrations from heavy-duty equipment, including jackhammers, can cause stress fractures in the areas of concrete you want to protect. Experts recommend some method of concrete cutting does not cause any vibrations, like using a specialized blade and water to remove the exact areas of concrete you specify.

Benefits of RDA Concrete Cutting:

Precision Cuts - hire professionals who have the experience and equipment necessary to get the job done even if your concrete cutting job requires getting into tight spaces, and ensure they can do concrete cutting of all sizes with complete accuracy. Besides that, experts promise that no surrounding areas of concrete are compromised in the process. The concrete cutting is a relatively quiet operation as Compared to traditional demolition. It is not likely to disrupt your day with constant noise, while standard waste is known for creating dust and polluting the air. Many concrete cutting companies use a dust-free wet method as concrete cutting systems can remove large bulk, so cleanup is not necessary. Click to find out more information.

Maintains integrity surely:

Traditional concrete removal methods are referred to as producing critical vibrations to the structure that can cause fractures in the existing concrete. Microfractures in the concrete can also cause life-threatening problems in the future. Above all, advanced concrete cutting saws cause very little to no vibration, keeping the remaining structure's integrity intact.

Access and time:

Sometimes, a job requires a person to be in a tight space or even underwater. In some situations, conventional operations allow for inflexible types of equipment and restricted movement. You can also remove concrete in any circumstance but with advanced concrete cutting tools such as wire sawing. Concrete cutting is time-efficient and requires less labor compared to traditional concrete removal methods.


The majority of concrete cutting systems are automatic and include different features for a variety of surfaces as these features allow for superior cutting precision compared to traditional methods that create uncontrolled cuts and openings.  Concrete cutting also requires minor patchwork than conventional methods.

Saves time:

One of the best parts of concrete cutting is that you can get most jobs done incredibly quickly, and when you are on a deadline, you can’t afford any downtime on your job site. You can soon have crew members out to your job site when you call a team of professionals for your precision concrete cutting needs.


Nothing is surprising to know traditional methods of concrete demolition can be messy, but experts use wet-cutting methods to keep dust levels down and substantial pieces to a minimum. It means less cleanup time is required once the job is done, as it also means that the air quality around your job site won't be compromised by an influx of concrete dust like that, which can be generated by using jackhammers.

Things to know about concrete cutting:

Concrete saws are said to fundamental tools for any building site no matter you are renovating a whole building, extending, or demolishing it; you can't do much work without a concrete saw. Employing a concrete saw is not relatively as straightforward or easy as having a hand saw as it is a very specialized tool that needs knowledge and training.

  • You can scope your worksite for places where you would like to use a saw and ensure if there are steel reinforcing bars in the concrete to be cut, what size it is, where it is located, and how will the rebar removal affect the structure's stability.
  • Evaluate if there are elements including gas, water, and electrical lines in the area selected for cutting. If plumbing, cables, and other plumbing exist, make sure they have been disconnected from the mains.
  • Unless you are working on a small project, always have one spare concrete saw in good working condition as you don’t have to waste time due to work stoppage if you have enough standby units.
  • You need to ensure the other operators are trained well if you are not the only person working with a concrete saw. Prevent some deadly and expensive mistakes by instructing different people on safe and appropriate concrete saws as concrete saws. Blades are somewhat pricey, and a slight mistake can depart from your device useless.
  • Always have a plethora of blades and chains on hand as a  single blade can't do all the work, which usually means you need to have a selection of knives to match the type of job that you are doing. You do not have to quit functioning when you have all of the blades you need. Then it will help to have a spare one in case it has damaged or worn out. If you understand, you simply need to use a single kind of blade.
  • You can use a wet blade in case you are working on an area in which you want to control the amount of dust flying about. If you do prefer a cleaner or more precise cut through reinforced concrete, use diamond blades.
  • Before using a diamond blade for precision cutting, use it on an abrasive surface like concrete as it removes the protective coating on edge, permitting you to get a cleaner and thinner cut.
  • Control the cutting depth when cutting concrete as you can just 1–2in deep at a time. Be patient and gradually and steadily as should you apply too much pressure when cutting through the cement, then the blade will wear out too fast, and the concrete saw can slow down.


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