How to quickly generate more business

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, January 22, 2019 - 6:41am

For small businesses, it can be vital to generate business as quickly as possible, to both balance your expenditure and start-up fees and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business. There is a lot of conflicting advice when it comes togenerating more business, but these tips will help you to generatesales and leadsthrough simple actions and advice.

Interim and In-House Bid Writers 

Bids are devices of persuasion used to secure contracts and generate sales with other businesses. Therefore, employing a knowledgeable bid writer is key to growing your business and achieving sales leads. 

An interim bid writer can be both useful to start-ups as well as experienced businesses as they can help to ease the workload in busy periods or help during a particularly complicated project. They can also be helpful to start-ups that do not have enough business to secure a full-time, contracted bid writer. Using interim bid writers can be more useful than out-sourcing bid-writers completely as it means that you have more control over the bids and tenders that they are writing, especiallyif these bid writers are only employed on a temporary basis, for instance, to cover illness. 

Once start-ups are generating more business, they can then employ in-house bid writers who can work full-time to write bids and tenders for your company. They can help your business to grow by engaging clients and creating bidsthat are agreed upon by everyone involved.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing

When it comes to marketing, one of themost important aspects for generating business for small companies, you should consider both your inbound and outbound marketing technique. Although most people focus wholly on outbound marketing such as advertisements and posters, for instance, businesses can generate a number of personalised sales from inboundmarketing by customising communications such as emails. This will generatesales by exploring how your company relates to your target audience and how your company can benefit them. 

Digital Technology

Businesses can also generate a number of sales by utilising digital technology. 37 million people in the UK now have smartphones, meaning that the majority of potential clients find new businesses and explore webpages through mobile devices. This means that your marketing should be catered towards this technology, such as optimising your website for mobiles or ensuring that documents and images attached to emails can open smoothly in mobile browsers. This will help to generate more business as you will be more accessible to a range of potential clients who can then find your details on-the-go. 

Sales Databases

Another way to generate more business is through sales databases as these allow you to find potential leads quickly and easily. These databases provide you with instant data, and within these, you can findall the relevant contact information that you need to spark interest in your new lead and ensure that they will become your next client. 

Generating sales can be tricky for both start-ups and experienced sellers. However, with the right marketing techniques and in-house sales team, your business could be well on its way to a growth surge. 

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