Have your say on revised Exe Estuary Codes of Conduct

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, January 29, 2018 - 10:13am

People are invited to have their say on proposals to update the Exe Estuary’s Codes of Conduct.

The codes, which have been in place for many years, ensure that users are able to enjoy the area in safety while wildlife is protected.

Many enjoy a range of varied activities on and around the Exe Estuary including walking, kayaking, kite-surfing, sailing and powerboating.

Codes of Conduct are particularly useful on the Estuary where different activities overlap, with many participants not linked to a particular club or are from outside the area.

Some visitors may be unaware of how their activity impacts on other users or on the sensitive environment

The codes ensure that all those enjoying their chosen activity can do so without creating conflict with others.

The review revises any out of date information. Many residents and organisations have already made suggestions following several meetings.

New and updated codes have now been drafted, which reflect safe and responsible practice that local clubs and user groups promote, to make them best work for the Exe area.

The Exe Estuary Management Partnership (EEMP) is now asking local users, clubs and organisations, that are involved with all different types of activities, to provide feedback on the new draft codes for the Exe.

Feedback should ideally be directed through local clubs and groups to ensure suggestions align with existing national and local guidance.

To find out more about how to share your views about the future use of this beautiful natural resource, visit the EEMP website at www.exe-estuary.org/review-of-codes-of-conduct.

Stephanie Clark, Exe Estuary Officer, said: “The Exe Estuary is a beautiful place, internationally recognised in its importance for wildlife and well-known as a popular destination for water-based activities.

"With the wide variety of activities that take place on the Exe, the Exe Estuary Partnership strives to work with local users and communities to strike a balance between the interests of different user groups and our important wildlife, to ensure people and wildlife continue to share and enjoy this special area for years to come.”

Councillor Jeff Trail BEM, the Chairman of the Exe Estuary Management Partnership, said: “I would encourage residents and users to make suggestions and be part of the conversation. We need to know what users of the estuary think and how the codes can be improved. The more people who have their say the better.”

The EEMP are carrying out this work on behalf of South East Devon Habitat Regulations Partnership (SEDHRP), which is a partnership of Exeter City, Teignbridge and East Devon District Councils. The review of the codes of conduct is one of a suite of essential measures for local authorities to consider when preparing for increased recreational pressure brought about by local growth and housing development. The updated codes of conduct will play an essential part in the ongoing conservation of the estuary.

See more: https://www.exe-estuary.org/review-of-codes-of-conduct



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