
5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Approval for a Guarantor Loan

There are many funding options for people who need money, and a guarantor loan is one of them. This loan works well for people with a poor credit history as it can increase their likelihood of getting the money. The guarantor, who can be a trusted family member or colleague, acts as added security to the lender. If you fail to pay as per the agreement, the guarantor helps settle the amount.Guarantor loans have become popular for people with poor credit histories and those without stable sources of income. The guarantor you choose should be trustworthy and prove the ability to pay in case...

Val Watson

Val Watson


Ben Bradshaw MP: Massive imbalance in arts funding between London and rest of England

Authored by Ben Bradshaw
Posted: Fri, 10/17/2014 - 10:28am

The Commons Culture Media and Sports Committee on which I sit is currently doing an inquiry into the balance of arts funding in England. This was prompted by a number of recent independent reports showing that both Government and lottery support for the arts and culture is skewed massively in favour of London and that regions like the South West lose out.

At a recent hearing of the Committee, the Chairman of the Arts Council agreed that the current situation was unfair. In fact, every witness who has given evidence has accepted that – except the Arts Minister himself, Ed Vaizey....

Tony Hogg: The growing influence of police and crime commissioners

In recent weeks both Labour and the Liberal Democrats have made calls for the abolition of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and both parties seem determined to return to the type of invisible governance previously provided by police authorities.

I insist on not letting party politics play any part in my decisions, but, following my election to the role two years ago, it did not take me long to realise that politicians have never been held in lower regard than they are today. The MPs expense scandal and other misdemeanours have created an environment where the public does not...

Are we in danger of reversing evolution?

Authored by Martyn Goss
Posted: Thu, 10/09/2014 - 9:13am

Millions of years ago the Earth was a spinning ball in space surrounded by enormous clouds of toxic gases - including carbon and methane.

This planet had no oxygen and supported no living creature. Then over millions of years microscopic organisms began to evolve into plants. The plants turned into larger plants and slowly began to absorb the poisonous gas. They gradually gained the capacity to absorb sunlight and photosynthesise, and emitted oxygen which in itself facilitated more complex beings and the process of life on earth moved on.

In the course of time millions of...

10 everyday products that can save your life

When considering the various things that can save a life, most may not think to turn to their kitchen, purse, or pocket. However, it’s very likely that everyone carries at least one life-saving product on a regular basis without even knowing it.

Who knew items like dental floss, bin bags, and credit cards could save lives – read on to find out how.

1 - Glasses

Survival is one situation where being called “four eyes” may come in handy. Glasses can be used to start a fire and create distress signals. To start a fire, begin by collecting tinder, like lint or Spanish...

6 of the weirdest ways people have died

Authored by Newshound
Posted: Sat, 09/20/2014 - 12:20pm

It’s no secret that all of us are going to die at some point. Certain people will die from a long illness, while someone can be perfectly healthy and still die from some other cause. Today, we decided to present you with 6 weirdest ways people have died.

1 - Exploding Bubblegum

Vladimir Likhonos, a 25-year-old chemistry student enjoyed chewing bubblegum a lot; however, he didn’t always like the taste of it. In order to give it a more bitter taste, he started dipping his bubblegum into the citric acid. One day he dipped it in gunpowder by accident, and blew off his entire...

7 best foods to eat to detox

Detoxification can help to remove harmful chemicals from your system, and this is an important step in ensuring your optimal health. While there are many detox kits on the market, they are not one-size-fits-all. Each person has unique biological and chemical needs, so it is wise to consult with a health care professional before you embark on a serious detox regimen. However, there are some foods that can give you a daily mild detox.

Here are seven of the best detox foods to eat.

1. Organic Apples

Apples provide many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins,...

Tony Hogg's half term warning

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Wed, 08/27/2014 - 11:12am

Devon and Cornwall's Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Hogg reflects on the first half of his first term of office for Police and Crime Commmissioners.

As I reach the halfway point in the first term of office for Police and Crime Commissioners, it seems appropriate to reflect on how the role is developing and why it will prove crucial in sustaining and building effective policing for the longer term. I am responsible for the efficiency and effectiveness of policing and the justice system. Having one clearly visible, democratically elected and locally focused individual who the...

Seven extreme sports on the rise

Thrill seekers are always looking for new ways to get their adrenaline fix. Innovative extreme sports are created as people experiment with activities and gear, and some of their creations catch on and spread. Some of these sports have a sense of humor, and all of them entail both physical skill and risk. Here are seven extreme sports which are on the rise.

1. Xpogo

You may remember pogo sticks from your childhood. Modern pogo sticks took that concept, and turned it into something that can bounce a rider up to 10 feet in the air, letting them perform acrobatic maneuvers...

Seven most powerful food combinations

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sat, 08/09/2014 - 6:12pm

Eating healthy surely isn’t as easy as you might think it is.

Of course, everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are healthier than other foods, but what most people don’t know is how to mix certain foods to get the most powerful and healthy food combinations.

Experts constantly research the best ways to pair food, and these are the combinations they came up with:

1 - Tomatoes and broccoli

Broccoli and tomatos is a very powerful food combination that was discovered not too long ago. This discovery showed that the combination is able to help prevent...

From footballers to soldiers, and back again

Monday saw the 100th anniversary of the most horrific episode in human history: the start of World War One. The outbreak of war saw millions of people enlist to serve their country across Europe; including 15 first team Exeter City footballers, who made up around 2,000 professional footballers to enlist during the war.

In 1914, Buenos Aires's emerging football community sent an invitation to the FA for an English team to travel there to play local sides.

The Grecians embarked on an historic tour of South America, which saw them play in Argentina and Brazil, in the...

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