New volunteer coffee morning at Poltimore House

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 12:08pm

Poltimore House, one of Devon's historic estates, is slowly but surely being brought back to life by the efforts of volunteers - and on the 16 March you can visit to meet the people involved and find out what part you could play in this great project.

"Your help is only limited by your (and our) imagination," explains Simon Tootell, Poltimore's Volunteer Manager.

"At 11am on 16 March we are holding a coffee morning for people who might want to volunteer with us. Our open days need guides, stewards, help to serve refreshments, and fundraisers. Our working parties welcome skilled craftspeople and eager labourers alike. We welcome help with admin tasks, communications and sign writing, or volunteers to help with our events and fundraising teams. There is a real sense of community among Poltimore's volunteers, with many friendships made and skills shared across a wide range of ages, cultures and enthusiasms."

So why not go along for coffee in the Chapel at 11am on Saturday 16 March to meet the people involved and find out what part you could play in this important revival project?

If you would like to attend this event it would be helpful if you could register your interest, but if you prefer, you can just turn up on the day.

For further information click here, email or call 01392 248938.


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Poltimore House, Exeter

Event Date

Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 11:00am
