Exeter U3A

Exeter U3A Taster Day: Look Forward to the Future

St Stephen’s Church, High Street, Exeter

Friday, 14th November 2014-10-20

10.00 – 4.30

A day of activities and fun, with mini-workshops and displays from a wide variety of Exeter U3A’s groups - science, geology, choir, music, walking, gardening, history, reading, quizzes, languages, and many more. This all-day event is for members of U3A and the public alike and is particularly aimed at those who are in, or nearing, their 3rd age. Exeter’s MP, Ben Bradshaw, and local journalist and crime-writer, Simon Hall, will both be visiting the event during the day.

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Event Date

Friday, November 14, 2014 - 10:00am to 4:30pm
