Exeter Mathematics School - Year 11 Taster Day

Sophie Brown
Authored by Sophie Brown
Posted: Friday, September 11, 2015 - 11:40am

These events are for year 11 students who are considering applying to Exeter Mathematics School (EMS) for September 2016 entry and would like to find out more.

You will have the opportunity to meet EMS staff and students, take part in a series of workshops and have your questions answered.

Timetable for the day:
10:00am - About EMS - Parents are welcome to attend this session
11:00am - Student Workshops
14:30pm - Depart

Students will need to bring a packed lunch. No equipment or uniform is required.

Booking is essential and can be completed via the EMS website: http://www.exetermathematicsschool.ac.uk/student-events/

For further information, please contact Sophie: sophiebrown@exeterms.ac.uk

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Exeter Mathematics School, Rougemont House, Castle Street, EXETER EX4 3PU

Event Date

Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 10:00am to 2:30pm
