


ARC Animal Rescue Centre


Chineway Road, Ottery St Mary, Devon. Ex111PL

ARC Animal Rescue celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2012. Originally started by Mrs
Shrimpton and Miss Topsy Hindley, the official title is "Sidmouth Animal Welfare and Animal Rescue Circle". Another local charity known as Leap, "The League for the Encouragement of Animal Protection" was incorporated into ARC when its founder member died and ARC inherited the responsibility for their remaining animals and their funds.

Our purpose is to provide rescue, relief and re-homing for lost, unwanted and abandoned
domestic animals in the area. Some 40 years later Miss Hindley remains one of the charity's trustees and continues to be a driving force behind ARC and an inspiration to all.

Much, however, has changed since those early days. The growth of local towns and the
pressures of modern living have all played a part in ensuring that ARC is as busy now as it
ever was. ARC has forged links with other organizations on a local and national level and is
often called upon to help other charities re-home domestic animals which might otherwise be destroyed.

Since opening the new centre on 27 May we have almost doubled our re-homing of dogs.
This obviously is very gratifying but also means we need to continually raise funds to pay
our staff and the ever increasing veterinary bills. Some of the dogs we are taking in need
considerable veterinary treatment, often due to neglect.

Content by arcrescue

Post date
Christmas ARC coffee morning 21/11/2013 - 7:58pm
Loving Anita needs a home 14/11/2013 - 2:00pm
ARC Animal Rescue Centre micro-chipping day 31/10/2013 - 6:08pm