
Barnfield Theatre

Jack and the Beanstalk - Online panto

Event Date: 
13/02/2021 - 12:00pm to 20/02/2021 - 12:00pm
ONLINE via Barnfield Theatre, Exeter
Peter Duncan presents Jack and the Beanstalk: The Grand Family Pantomime Online

13 Feb 2021 — 20 Feb 2021

Ticket £25 per household with unlimited access for the week!

Our theatres find themseles in unexpected times with the great festive tradition of the family pantomime cancelled in many towns and cities across the land, but riding to the rescue, to make sure that panto-loving audiences don’t miss out on this special experience is 'Blue Peter' legend Peter Duncan with his biggest and best "Here's One I Made Earlier" challenge!

Peter, a critically acclaimed...