
Plymouth Half Marathon

Event Date: 
28/04/2013 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
The Hoe, Plymouth

Plymouth's half marathon, is a traffic-free road race set in the heart of Plymouth. Runners will once again gather on the Hoe to start their 13.1mile journey around Plymouth.

The great course, good reputation and atmosphere ensure that this iconic Plymouth race attracts everyone from local, national and international athletes as well as beginners, club runners and charity runners.

The traffic-free course is open to all abilities and will start and finish at the Hoe.

Please visit for entry and more details, or ring the Plymouth Half...

Beetroot juice – the winning formula for team sports

New research shows that drinking beetroot juice can significantly improve performance in team sports involving bouts of high intensity exercise.

Trials by the University of Exeter Sport and Health Sciences department have found a direct link between the high nitrate content of beetroot and the chemical processes needed to get muscles working at their most efficient during intermittent bursts of activity.

During the tests, sportsmen were either given beetroot juice with a full complement of nitrates, or juice which had had the nitrate removed. Those who had taken the nitrate...

Early access to hip replacement proven to be cost-effective

Early access to hip replacement is cost-effective and provides significant benefits for patients' quality of life, a study has shown.

Ruben Mujica-Mota, from the University of Exeter, carried out research comparing early access and delayed hip replacement surgery in Italy on behalf of the European Health Technology Institute for Socio-Economic Research (EHTI).

His findings, which are now published in the journal Value in Health, demonstrate both the cost-effectiveness of early hip replacement, as well as the benefits for patients.

The expert says that delaying hip...

Have a romantic and safe Valentine's celebration

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, a day when traditionally chocolate, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones. Maybe you’re planning a romantic candlelit meal at home?

Without wishing to put out the fire of passion, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service would like to remind you of some fire safety tips in the home. With 57% per cent of fires starting in the kitchen during 2012, it is all too easy to get distracted when cooking your loved one a special meal, especially after a drink.

Rather than ruining a romantic moment, keep the fire safety tips...

An active lifestyle can reduce breast cancer risk

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2012 - 1:24am

Research published as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month suggests that an active lifestyle, such as doing housework, brisk walking and gardening, can lower the risk by up to 13%.

Commenting on the research by Cancer Research UK Clinical Director at Breast Cancer Care Dr Emma Pennery said:

"After an inspirational summer of sport, this study is a timely reinforcement of the importance of leading an active life to help reduce your risk of developing breast cancer.

"It’s great to recognise that being active doesn’t have to mean running a marathon or climbing a...

Looking younger on the outside, dying on the inside – Baby Boomers have longer but less healthy lives than their parents

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2017 - 9:51am

Figures from the Office for National Statistics predict that by 2039, 30% of the UK population will be aged over 60. Whilst our life expectancy continues to rise (an average of 81 years old), our healthy life expectancy has not risen as quickly (65 years old). In light of this, new research from leading nutrition charity the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) has explored how we feel about ageing, as a nation.

The Institute’s research of 2,000 over 30’s across the UK found that 62% of people think that looking young on the surface is a strong indicator that they are fighting off...

How will climate change affect your community?

Event Date: 
23/01/2013 - 10:00am
Exeter Corn Exchange

An event next week will address some of the issues when Exeter CVS, in partnership with the British Council, presents a showcase programme on Wednesday 23 January at Exeter’s Corn Exchange.

Plenty of information will be available on how local organic production is helping to conserve resources, on how to reduce water usage and how recycling works to conserve energy and valuable resources in our own area. Local projects will be on hand to inspire you to make a difference that will help generations in the future.

There will also be national and local speakers from...
