
UK standards of neonatal care improving but better data recording needed

Better data recording by hospitals is needed to share best practice and drive up standards, says Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

More than three quarters (79%) of the parents of babies in neonatal units are seen by senior healthcare professionals within 24 hours of admission and the majority of parents report positive experiences, but there is room for improvement in areas such as breastfeeding rates and levels of hypothermia in newborns, according to the 6th Annual National Neonatal Audit Programme 2012 (NNAP). The report is published today by the Royal College of...

Devon Air Ambulance Trust to celebrate 21st Birthday at Darts Farm

It's been a busy few months for Devon Air Ambulance Trust, and there's no let up in sight, but they wouldn't have it any other way!

The Devon Air Ambulance on Tour event, taking the new Air Ambulance around the county finished in Paignton on Tuesday 13 August. The Charity is now looking forward to celebrating its 21st birthday in style with a Birthday Weekender on 7 and 8 September at Darts Farm.

Events kick off with BBC Radio Devon's John Govier broadcasing his Saturday morning show live from Darts Farm from 10am to 1pm, with tickets just £4 per person (limited to 350). At...

Devon Air Ambulance Trust 21st Birthday Weekender

Event Date: 
07/09/2013 - 10:00am to 08/09/2013 - 8:30pm
Darts Farm near Topsham Exeter

To celebrate our 21st birthday we will be holding our 21st Birthday Weekender at Darts Farm on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 September.

During the day there will be a free entry fun day for all of the family including visits from our helicopters (subject to operational duties), an emergency services demonstration, featuring our crew, Devon & Somerset Fire Service and South Western Ambulance Service. There are also events where you can buy tickets to attend over the weekend: Saturday:

10am to 1pm - Be in the audience for BBC Radio Devon's JG's Saturday morning show. Tickets: £...

Grapefruit biomolecules may herald new treatment for heart disease

New research, published today in the 'Biochemical Journal' , has identified molecules occurring naturally in fruit that may play an important role in the future treatment of heart disease.

Molecules called flavanoids, which are found in citrus fruits, particularly grapefruit, have proven effective at reducing the inflammation that can lead to deadly cardiovascular disease. These molecules may hold the key to the development of a new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs which are cheaper, easier to produce and less toxic than current therapies.

Despite the widespread use of...

Ground-breaking health screening company launches in the South West

A newly formed local company is to provide a ground-breaking health screening service to clients across the South West. Exeter-based business partners Terri Bainbridge and Lisa Portman have launched Thermalogica, providing revolutionary Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). A sophisticated camera is used to detect heat in order to measure the physiological activity, creating a map or thermal fingerprint of the infrared patterns of the body.

Still relatively new to the UK, DITI is widely established throughout America and some parts of Europe and is supported by 30 years of...

Prime Minister announces £500 million to relieve pressures on A&E

With over 1 million more people visiting A&E compared to three years ago, last year's harsh winter put exceptional pressure on urgent and emergency wards.

The new funding will go to A&E departments identified as being under the most pressure and be targeted at 'pinch points' in local services.

The aim is for patients to be treated promptly, with fewer delays in A&E, and for other patients to get the care, prescriptions or advice they need without going to A&E.

Local initiatives: how extra A&E funding could be spent

Hospitals have put...

Summer holiday time-bomb facing children with asthma

Parents are being warned of an 'asthma attack time-bomb' potentially facing the 1.1 million children with asthma in the UK when they go back to school after the summer holidays.

Leading charity Asthma UK has today released alarming new data showing a dramatic surge in children's hospital admissions that coincides with their return to school.

In England, more children are rushed to hospital with an asthma attack in mid-September than any other week during the year. Over 4.6 times as many children in England were hospitalised because of their asthma in the third week of...

Enjoying The Great Outdoors - nature's own stress buster

Nature has beneficial effects that help us cope with stress at work, according to new research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The research, conducted by Dr Valerie Gladwell at the University of Essex, highlights the power of the 'great outdoors' to improve both physiological and psychological wellbeing.

"The modern era has brought a decline in levels of physical activity, accompanied by huge increases in physical disability and diseases, as well as an increase in cases of mental ill-health," says Dr Gladwell. "Today, not only are rates of obesity,...

Heat ablation is best treatment for varicose veins, Says NICE

Painful varicose vein treatments such as vein stripping may become a thing of the past, following the news that NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) have announced that doctors should use heat ablation as their first choice of treatment.

Varicose Veins is a condition that affects 3 out of 10 adults in The UK.

The NHS say varicose veins are caused by weak vein walls and valves.

Although some people find the condition does not cause them any problem others find they can suffer from complications, such as bleeding and swelling.

The painful...

Russell Seal fitness Centre to change Exeter’s fitness landscape

Construction work on the new £6.5 million Russell Seal Fitness Centre at the University of Exeter’s Streatham Campus is nearing completion.

Opening on 23 September, the Centre marks the final stage of the University’s £8 million redevelopment of Streatham Sports Park, and promises to bring a world-class training facility to the city for the first time.

“The project is going exceptionally well,” Commented Director of Sport Phil Attwell.

“The Centre will house over 200 pieces of Life Fitness™ equipment, a new fitness studio, changing rooms and improvements to the...
