
Thunderstorms and rain warning for Devon

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Thu, 07/02/2015 - 12:01pm

A weather warning of heavy rain and thunderstorms has been issued for Devon.

Met Office forecasters say isolated heavy, and possibly severe, thunderstorms are expected to develop on Friday evening across parts of England and Wales.

These are likely to become more frequent later and spread northwards towards southern Scotland.

Some torrential downpours are possible leading to localised surface water flooding, with large hail and frequent lightning also possible hazards.

The public should be aware that there is a chance of some very localised significant...

Severe weather warning for Devon

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning from tonight with lightning, hail and even possible tornadoes.

A spokesman said: "In this situation large amounts of energy are available in the atmosphere and this coupled with high moisture content can lead to torrential downpours along with frequent lightning activity, large hail and locally strong gusts."

The five day forescast is as follows:


A cloudy start for many, with some hill or coastal fog possible. This will lift and break through the morning, leaving a generally fine and dry day, with...

Exeter Bach Society Concert - Hail, Bright Cecilia!

Event Date: 
23/11/2013 - 7:30pm
United Reformed Church, Dix's Field, Southernhay, Exeter

The Exeter Bach Society choir, conducted by its Musical Director David Davies, will perform a concert entitled Hail, Bright Cecilia!

The programme comprises the title work by Purcell, two Coronation Anthems by Handel, Rejoice in the Lamb by Britten and ‘antantibus Organis by Peter Philips. There are four soloists and the organist is Jonathan Watts.

Tickets are £10 in advance from Exeter Phoenix Ticket Agency, Gandy Street (01392 667080) or through www.exeterbachsociety.wordpress.com

£12 at the door.