Dippy on Tour

Birds and dinosaurs talk

Event Date: 
28/04/2018 - 3:00pm to 3:45pm
Reed Base at Seaton Wetlands, Colyford Road, Seaton, EX12 2SP

Are birds really related to Dinosaurs? A talk as part of Dippy on Tour A fascinating and knowledgeable talk by Donald Campbell, local naturalist and Ambassador to the Jurassic Coast.

Learn about how birds have evolved from Dinosaurs.

Booking required, free.


There are bird and dinosaur activities taking place earlier in the day: wildeastdevon.co.uk

Birds and dinosaurs activities

Event Date: 
28/04/2018 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Seaton wetlands, Colyford Road, Seaton, EX12 2SP

Dinosaur and bird themed activities as part of Dippy on Tour! Join expert guides for What's that bird? in the hides and learn to identify birds in view, with our binoculars available to borrow:

10am to 12noon, Island Hide

12noon to 2pm, Tower Hide

See a replica of the skull of Dippy the Diplodocus dinosaur fossil from the Natural History Museum.

Enjoy Dino craft activities in the Reed Base.

No booking required, £2 per child for craft activities.


Later in the...