carol concert

Carols in the Cathedral

Event Date: 
12/12/2017 - 7:30pm to 13/12/2017 - 7:30pm
Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Philharmonic Choir brings an early note of Christmas cheer to Exeter Cathedral - a repertoire of carols performed with Exeter Brass and Devon County Junior Choir.

Over two evenings, the Choir will provide the essential soundtrack to the Christmas festivities.

Conducted by Howard Ionascu, with a retiring collection in support of Farms for City Children.

"Carols in the Cathedral" is kindly supported by sponsors Clinton Devon Estates, Everys Solicitors and Renaissance Villages.

Record attendances at philharmonic carol concert

Exeter Philharmonic Choir's two annual carol concerts at the city's cathedral saw record attendances this year.

The choir, one of the oldest established choral groups in Britain, is celebrating its 170th season.

Members chose to donate the proceeds of their retiring collection to Exeter Community Initiatives, a charity which runs community projects for vulnerable people in the city. The collection raised over £2,850.

The choir's next concert at the cathedral will be a performance of Verdi's Requiem on March 18th.

Auditions for new members will take place...

No room at the inn for BBC carol concert

It was somewhat apt that there was no room at the inn when BBC Radio Devon recorded its annual Christmas carol service at Exeter Cathedral last night.

More than 1,000 people packed into every available space to hear music from performers such as the Choir of St Michael and All Angels at Mount Dinham and the Big Noise Chorus.

They also heard bible and poetry readings from some of BBC Radio Devon’s famous voices including presenters: Judi Spiers, Matt Woodley, Michael Chequer, Tony Beard and John Govier.

Rebecca Shaw, 37, from Christow, said: "The queues were long but...