babies product

Baby and Toddler Clothing and Accessories sale

Event Date: 
30/08/2014 - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Holy Trinity Church, Arena Park, Exeter, EX48RD

Saturday 30th August

Setup from 8am Clean up by 1pm Table £5 Call 07704702743 to book a table

Doors open at 10am Entry 20p

Holy Trinity Church Arena Park Beacon Heath EX4 8RD

Refreshments available

Natural vs chemical products

Is your make-up or skincare toxic? Most people can't even pronounce some of the ingredients in their beauty, skincare or bath products – yet they continue to use them, unaware of the long-term repercussions on their health.

For many consumers, ignorance is bliss, but keeping educated on toxins and chemicals in products we ingest, rub into our skin or inhale might just prevent sickness and disease later on. Due to numerous sensitivities such as allergies and coeliac disease, many people are becoming more aware of the chemicals and toxicity of products on the market.

For some...