Businesses! Make a Strong Comeback Post-Covid with Digital Marketing

Authored by neha.rathi
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - 9:22am

It is without a doubt, we are in uncertain times. But as a business, it is how we act, when we act and how we prepare for the future that sets us apart from the rest. 

“Being Challenged in Business is Inevitable, Being Defeated is Optional”

Keeping up with constant optimization now, means your business won’t have to fight your competitors back in search engine rankings. As they say, it’s never a bad thing to be too careful. 

Sure, you don’t know when this will all be over, but on a positive note, we all are aware- this crisis will end and we encourage all businesses to look beyond this situation. 

The best thing your business can do right now is re-evaluate your digital marketing plans and review your social media, SEO, paid media and content strategies for the foreseeable future. 

You might be wondering, with everything that’s going on- “What good would it do for me to invest in digital marketing?”

It’s all in the data, this year’s happenings have brought about a paradigm shift in consumer behavior and PPC performance. Many businesses, maybe even your competitors have withdrawn themselves from this race, and you have a great opportunity to fill this exact gap with your customers and attract them towards your business. 

Now, is the perfect time to plan the adjustments in your digital plan in response to the change in searches, behaviors as well as buying patterns. In short- whatever you did in the past. I.e, before and during this crisis will no longer apply in the Post-Covid era.

Is Your Business Ready to Bounce Back & Achieve Post Covid Growth?!

If your answer is Yes, you are what they call a true entrepreneur that doesn’t give up,  which is why we are going to give you some explosive website SEO growth tips for the Post Covid era. Let’s start!

Strong Site Structure = Great User Experience

Site structure is the way you organize your site’s content. This is a really crucial part of an SEO Strategy as it shows Google which pages of your site are most important,and also makes it easier for search engines to index and crawl them, thereby- helping them rank high. On a shorter note- Better Site Structure= Great User Experience= More Ranking= Better Conversions!

Mobile-Responsive Website 

Google mobile traffic now makes up 50% of all Google's search traffic. Google also gives a slight ranking boost to websites that are mobile-friendly and says they are ready to downgrade sites that are not meant for smartphone users. Don’t wait, these signals come straight from Google, get on the mobile-responsive bandwagon and stay ahead of the curve!

Website Speed Optimization 

The more time your website takes to load, the lesser the amount of satisfied customers and more the bounce rate, which can negatively impact your website’s SEO and sales. Majority of consumers expect websites to load in two seconds or less. And 40% will abandon a page that takes three or more seconds.

Using HTTPs = Boost Search Engine Rankings + Protect Website 

HTTP’s (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) help protect the integrity of your website by preventing any intruders from tampering with any data & communications done on your website, thereby turning users into customers with trust. Google has also now confirmed that it can give a slight boost in ranking to websites that use HTTPs. 

Use a Sitemap For Better Visibility 

Sitemaps make navigation easier for search engines, it is like a website communicating with the search engine. The sitemap tells the search engines where it would like them to go (i.e where to index)

Use Relevant & Powerful Keywords 

Keywords are phrases people are searching for on the web. Having a keyword strategy based on your business is very crucial as it helps your business come up in search engines when people search for keywords or phrases that are applicable to the products or services that your business provides. 

Ensure that your website is well optimized for search engines by using keywords. 

Enhance Indexability 

Robots.txt, tells the search engine which part to not include for indexing, which helps search engines narrow down and enhance visibility. Broadly,  it lists all the content you want to lock away from search engines like Google. 

Focus on Quality Content 

Always aim for quality over quantity with content, such that it provides your users with value. Make sure to also mix and match content for better engagement and keep your audience interested. Make sure you avoid stuffing your content with keywords, or hiding text behind images or backgrounds. 

Long Form Content = Better Ranking 

Longer form content also improves ranking as several SEO experts have also identified a relation between content length & ranking. Generally 1800-2000 words of content leads to better ranking as well as attracts more backlinks. 

Use a Variety of Content Forms 

Sure, Google is getting better at identifying various types of content apart from text (such as images, videos,audio etc), but they still need a little help. Don’t forget to optimize these items correctly so that google can easily crawl and index them, thereby boosting SEO rankings. 

Specific & Keyword-Rich Permalink Structure

This is a permanent URL that is given to a specific post, page or other pieces of content on your website, hence the name permalink. Ensure that your permalink is SEO-Friendly by optimizing it with keywords that are short and concise while also relevant to your post, making it easier for search engines to crawl them.

Avoid Plagiarized (Copied) Content

Avoid putting any plagiarized or duplicate content on your website, this leads to losing customers as they fail to see any fresh, authentic or original content while also diminishing ranking as it confuses search engines regarding which content to show users.

Build a Strong Internal Linking Structure 

Internal linking helps Google to understand the structure of your website as well as helps you build a hierarchy and lead your customers throughout important pages you want them to visit. Using the right linking strategy can indefinitely boost your SEO. 

You can use links on your homepage, throughout your blogs as well as your services page to lead users to a lead generation form. 

Always Keep An Eye Out for Link Issues 

Constantly check if there are any mistakes/typos made in the URL or any nofollow links, which could cost your SEO ranking big time as it results in your website not being visible to a crawler for indexing. 

Be Transparent with Your 404 Pages

Dead and broken links sometimes are a given, but don’t try to hide them. Be open and honest with your visitors and let them know what went wrong instead of trying to cover it up/ divert them elsewhere.

Encourage Social Sharing & Comments

Lead users to your social media as easily as possible. This involves adding social media links to your website, which helps you increase visibility. 

Encouraging comments on your posts also provides a wide array of SEO benefits as it helps build credibility and provides more value to users (thereby positively affecting search engine rankings)


As a business, it’s about time you use this time wisely. Communicate tactfully & smartly with the audience to power through and prepare for the future ahead. Encourage yourself and your business partners to see the bigger picture today & get ahead of the curve while you still have the time. Get started with these tips and make your business comeback a strong one with digital marketing!

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