Special assembly for church schools at the Cathedral

Church schools from across the county celebrated a giant assembly in Exeter Cathedral today.

The Church Schools Cathedral Service takes place once a year, although this is the first year the children have lead the worship.

Over 500 people from 24 schools attended the service for which Church of England school children played samba, prayed and role-played on the theme of Candlemas.

Afterwards, the children visited the Cathedral and enjoyed lunch in the Chapterhouse and North Transcept.

Traditionally Candlemas marks the end of the Epiphany. Candles used in church are ‘blessed on this day’ and the feast commemorates the presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Director of Education, Youth and Children's work, Philip Mantell, said the service modelled good practice for collective worship as the children took the lead.

"It is wonderful for our church schools to share this special time of year with us," said Philip.

"It is important that our church schools share in the experience of collective worship in our mother church. Our school children need to know they can visit Exeter Cathedral and share collective worship as part of the wider church school community."

RE teacher, Belinda Twiggs, from St Michael's in Kingsteignton said the service was lovely. "It was simple and helps remind the children of the reality of Christianity," she said. "Jesus is the light of the world and at this time of year it is good to remember that as the days grow longer and the sun comes back."


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