Lykoi Cats: What You Should Know About Them

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Friday, January 22, 2021 - 8:41pm

If you’re a cat lover, then you’re well aware that just like dogs, there are different breeds. They look different, and they even have personality traits. One of the most outstanding and unique breeds is the Lykoi cat. Their appearance is rugged and extremely intriguing, and this is why we’re going to give you insight into these mysterious cats and let you know what they’re all about.

Where it All Started

This breed of cat is actually quite recent, and they came to be in 2010 in Virginia in the USA. The situation of how they came to be was not primarily a premise of breeding as it was genetics. The Lykoi cat behaves and looks the way it does due to genetic mutation, and the people breeding them had to figure out how to continue to breed them in a way that wouldn’t cancel out this mutation, so it takes a bit of work, to say the least. People who breed them actually aim to not have Lykoi cats mate with one another, because they’ve found that this sometimes creates health problems for the offspring. 

They Look Like Werewolves

Many people tend to go crazy over anything new or weird, so when the Lykoi came to the forefront, it became all the rage for those deeply involved in the world of cats. This is mainly because nothing looks like this unique breed of cat, and they look just like werewolves. They don’t have an undercoat, and so they don’t have a thick coat of hair covering them. When they’re born though, they look like any other kitten, but as they grow, their defining features start to develop. They all have facial features that almost look like an old wise man, or a transforming werewolf! They have long noses and they always have black tips, which always stand out. They have super long ears and a tuft of hair beneath their chins. Even though they are generally super thin and slender, they still tend to have muscular physiques.

Their Behavior

Like most cats, the Lykoi is a shy cat initially, and will take some time before they warm up to you. However, once you settle down with one another, they are extremely playful and wonderfully loyal, which is not a trait you can find in all cats. A characteristic that likens them to the werewolf is that they prefer to move around and hunt in packs, which isn’t common to cats in general. This is why it is advisable that you get more than one. They’re pretty restless, so don’t expect them to be sitting on your lap like other cats would. Their general behavior tends to be more dog-like, and this is probably what makes them stand out the most in terms of behavior. Many of them even stand quite a bit on their hind legs with no effort whatsoever.

How to Take Care of Them

You take care of ta Lykoi just the way you would any other cat. They eat the same cat food and are not difficult to train for the litter. One thing you have to take care of though is their ears. Seeing as how they’re quite large, they do need to be cleaned often to avoid any risk of infection, as they get dirty quite easily. You also have to keep in mind that because their coat isn’t that thick, if you live in a colder climate, then you need to get them a kitty sweater to ensure that they don’t get sick. Their coat does get thicker in the winter, but if it’s super cold, you’ll want to take this precaution. In the summertime, they’re fine but just to be safe, try to keep them indoors to avoid them getting sunburns. It’s important to note that just because they have less hair, does not mean that they are hypoallergenic. So if you’re allergic to cats, you still cannot get a Lykoi. Because they have such thin hair, you have to be careful with grooming, as you can damage their skin. Make sure that it’s a soft-bristled brush so they don’t end up with scratches and irritated skin. 

Lykoi are special in both their appearance and behavior, and now that you know more about them, you can adopt or buy them and take care of them properly. Many people might take a look and think they’re ugly, but they’re actually wonderful pets with loads of personality and an incredibly unique look. You’ll also find that if you take care of them properly, they can live for up to 20 years! 


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