Always be prepared post-lockdown, with these simple handbag essentials

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Friday, April 16, 2021 - 10:45pm

With lockdown restrictions easing, there’s so much to look forward to as the world begins to open up again. Spending time with your friends and family, heading to your favourite restaurant or bar, and taking a much-needed holiday are just some of the events we’re counting down to.

If you’re planning on heading out and about once lockdown restrictions are eased, then it’s wise to plan ahead and have everything you need to stay safe, healthy and enjoy yourself. Here we’ll take a look at how you can always be prepared post-lockdown with some simple handbag essentials.

Hand sanitiser

Keeping your hands germ free and reducing the spread of bacteria is important right now, and as we’re spending more time in public places we all need to do our bit to keep ourselves and others protected. Keeping a bottle ofpocket-sized hand sanitiser from Purdy & Figg in your bag means you’ll be able to kill those germs within seconds. Ideal for use after public transport, using the bathroom, before eating and meeting with others, choose an antibacterial hand sanitiser that’s infused with essential oils to keep your skin soft, clean and smelling sumptuous.

A mini makeup bag

Putting your face mask on and taking it off again throughout the day certainly won’t do your makeup coverage any favours. Bring along a small makeup bag containing lip gloss, concealer, a small blending brush and your eye makeup to keep your look fresh and patch-free whilst you enjoy a long overdue catch up with your friends.

Medical items

You never know what might happen when you’re on that shopping spree or visiting your favourite cafe, and it pays to be prepared! A small pack of painkillers, several feminine hygiene products, your medication (if any) and a couple of plasters will stop your day out from coming to an abrupt and uncomfortable end.


Whether you’ve enjoyed a rather spicy lunch, or you’re conscious of keeping your teeth clean in between brushes, keeping a supply of breath mints or chewing gum in your bag is a must. It’s also much more pleasant to wear a facemask if you’re chewing on fresh gum!

Your deodorant

The weather is quite unpredictable at the moment. We’re wearing heavy coats in the morning but then stripping off due to the rising temperatures in the afternoon. A quick reapplication of your deodorant stick or spray will keep you feeling (and smelling) fresh no matter what the weather is doing.

Hairbrush and hair ties

Whether the wind is picking up or the rain has left your tresses looking a little flat, quickly bring your hair back to life with a quick flick of your trusty hairbrush. Consider a small travel-sized option to save room in your handbag. And maybe a little pocket mirror so you can enjoy

Final thoughts…

Ensuring you have all the essentials you need when you leave the house means you’ll be able to enjoy the relaxing of current restrictions without interruption. Start prepping your handbag, now!

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