5 ways to enjoy the hospitality businesses now that they’re open

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Sunday, June 13, 2021 - 9:09am

This summer it’s all about having fun, enjoy yourself, and staying safe

The UK has received a new lease of life recently, thanks to the reopening of hospitality businesses across the country. After more than a year of uncertainty, forced closures and changing rules, lockdown restrictions had their most significant easing in May when hotels, bars, restaurants, museums and more were finally able to open their doors to customers again.

This has opened up a whole world of possibility for budding visitors and customers, who are understandably restless and keen to enjoy some activities after months spent in the house.

However, safety and caution are still of utmost importance as we enter this new phase of the pandemic. The government has encouraged everyone to exercise caution when out and about this summer.

With that in mind, we’ve put together this handy guide with things you can do to stay safe, while also listing some of the fun activities you can now enjoy.

Book a table for a group of six

You can now eat and drink inside your favourite bars and restaurants rather than having to sit outside and keep your fingers crossed that it won’t rain. This means that many of us will now be booking tables with family and friends, but remember that the rules still state that you should be in a group of no more than six, or no more than two households.

Although some places will accept walk-in groups when they’re not too busy, it’s always best to book in advance to give staff time to prepare for your visit and put all the necessary safety measures in place.

Go bowling

Indoor activities like bowling are once against available for people to enjoy, so you and your friends can book a lane and try and get a few strikes. Again it’s important to stick to the rules outlined by the establishment. Any bowling alley you visit will likely have rules in place that you’ll need to follow, including sanitising your hands on entry and wearing your mask until you are safely in your designated lane area. Familiarise yourself with these rules before you arrive so that you can come prepared for any precautions.

Invest in a COVID test kit

To give yourself peace of mind to enjoy your day or night out, consider buying a COVID test kit for  yourself and anyone else in your group. This will let you know that you are, hopefully, clear of COVID-19 and therefore won’t risk spreading the virus to others while you’re out. You can get yourself a Healgen Antigen test kit easily from many places, including trusted companies like Handstations.co.uk.

Of course, it’s important to remember that you could still catch the virus in the time between taking the test and going out, so aim to test yourself as close to your trip as possible.

Enjoy a staycation

Hotels, hostels and B&Bs around the country are once again open, so you can finally get out the house and enjoy a change of scenery as well as a touch of luxury. While foreign travel is largely off limits for the time being, you can still enjoy a safe staycation on our own shores. Even if you’re just staying in a hotel in your local area, at least it’s somewhere other than your house after a year in lockdown!

Get your cultural fix

As well as bars, restaurants and hotels, museums and galleries are also open again. Like other venues, there will be measures in place to make sure you stay safe, including wearing a mask and maintaining a safe distance from other groups.

The reopening of museums is great news for anyone who has missed getting their fix of culture over the past year.

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