Spring Clean-up at St David's churchyard

Authored by stufer
Posted Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 6:01pm

Today (April 13) saw St David's churchyard getting a spring clean. Trees were lopped and cut back hard, hedges pruned, grass - and even primroses - strimmed. There were also a number of objects retrieved from the undergrowth, including some night storage heaters, cast iron pipe and a heap of discarded bottles and cans. This outbreak of seasonal community activism was hosted and organised by the Vicar, Revd Canon Tom Honey.
"St David's churchyard comes under the care of Exeter City Council, but in a time of constrained budgets there is a limited amount that the Council can do. For some time the churchyard has begun to look neglected and the congregation are very keen to maintain the yard in as good a state as possible. We're ensuring we maintain a natural habitat for the local fauna with some areas more tidily maintained for a neat appearance."

Even though the weather was relentless in its pursuit of gloom, the spirits of the 25 assembled volunteers were high, buoyed in no small part by cakes, baked for the occasion by 14-year-old Hope Laws, who sent them in lieu of her own attendance!

There were a number of local community groups and organisations represented, and amongst them was the living embodiment of horticultural activism: Christine Fraser.
"Under the 'Love your area' scheme, we have to quite literally learn to love our own neighbourhood; and like anything you neglect, you need to nurture it and give it love, so get stuck in, guys!"

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