Common signs of alternator problems

Frank Parker
Authored by Frank Parker
Posted Sunday, March 13, 2022 - 8:16pm

When you start your car, the battery gives it the power to run. However, the alternator is what keeps the battery charging while running, and it's also what distributes power to the electrical parts of your vehicle, such as the radio, wipers, and headlights. It can last for as long as the car's life, but it could get damaged earlier than that due to various factors. If the alternator stops working, your car could still run as the battery would supply the power it needs, but not for a long time. However, it's best not to run the vehicle if there is an alternator problem and get it fixed right away to prevent making the issue worse. There are various causes of alternator trouble, including the following:

  • Fluid leaking to the alternator can damage it, including power steering fluid and engine oil.
  • Salt or water intrusion can also cause it to malfunction.
  • Using too many accessories while parked may overwork the alternator, causing premature wear and tear.

Depending on the severity of the problem, the alternator may be fixed, rebuilt, or replaced. Replacement can be expensive, so be sure to take extra care of your vehicle and do something right away if you notice any sign of problems. Many things could point to a faulty alternator, but we listed the most common below.

The warning light turns on

Most vehicles have a warning light that tells if there is an alternator problem. When it produces more or less power than the average limit, it would cause an issue and turn the warning light on. It's recommended that you seek the help of an expert car service right away to fix the problem, like the ones offered by Ignition Auto. They can determine the best course of action to take to save your alternator.

Whining or growling noises

These noises are also signs of alternator problems, as it could mean that its bearings are worn out, or its pulley and the drive belt are not aligned. Running the car with a broken alternator for an extended period could affect the engine and lead to its failure.

Very bright or dim lights

Since the alternator powers the car's electrical components like the lights, any issue with them could be initial signs of alternator problems. If you notice these lights flickering, or being too bright or dim than usual, have your car checked as your alternator could be failing.

Problem starting the car

It's sometimes hard to determine if a faulty battery or alternator causes this issue. However, it could be a battery issue if there is no light or sound when you start your car. A clicking noise when you turn the ignition on is another sign. It could also be a problem with the alternator if the vehicle stalls after starting, there's a burning smell or the lights flicker.

Do not take these signs for granted, as they could cause bigger problems if left unfixed. Instead, get your car serviced as soon as possible to ensure it keeps running safely and efficiently.

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