Vote now for Devon's recycling champions

Devon's position as the top recycling county in the UK is being celebrated this month to mark the 10 year anniversary of the Don't Let Devon go to waste campaign.


Devon enjoys a recycling rate of 55% (2010/11) making the county the highest recycler in the UK.


To celebrate its success and to thank the residents of Devon, the Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee is hosting a special ceremony; The Recycle Devon Thank You awards.


The Committee would like residents to nominate those who they feel deserve a special thank you for all that they do to help improve the local environment. Choose from one of the following seven categories:

• Your Recycling Hero (friend, family member, neighbour or local recycling champion) • School Recycling Hero (child) • School Recycling Hero (adult) • Community Group Recycling Hero • Collection Crew/Operative (recycling, garden, food or refuse collector(s)) • Street Cleansers • Recycling Centre Operative/Site staff 

Chairman of DAWRCC, Councillor Mike Walters says "People in Devon have really made tremendous efforts over the years to help us with our recycling targets and on behalf of the partnership we want to say a big thank you. These awards really celebrate all the great work in our communities, whether its been setting up compost groups, collections in schools or an employee who has gone above and beyond the call of duty. I would really encourage people to look around their local areas and put anyone forward who they think deserves this award."

Nominations can be made online at or by post to; Waste Management Team, Devon County Council, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD

Nominations invited until 18 November 2012

A shortlist of 3 names will be drawn up for each category and a winner from each to be announced at the ceremony in January (more details to follow nearer the time).

The winners of each category will receive a recycled glass trophy with a special prize and trophy for the overall winner.

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