Top 7 Herbs Your Dog Needs to Try

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Friday, July 31, 2020 - 11:44am

Most dogs seem so energetic and ready for anything at any time that it can be easy to underestimate their needs. Dogs have surprisingly sensitive systems that require a great deal of care. Their diets must be managed properly to make sure that they are receiving the best nutrition possible, which, in turn, will ensure their optimum health. While it may sound odd, some natural herbs can help your dog a great deal, and incorporating them into their diet is not a terribly difficult task. The following 6 herbs are wonderful for dogs and are most assuredly worth a try.

  1. Dandelion

Dandelions are not just beautiful flowers; their leaves are rich in vitamin A, and their roots are a good source of inulin, which promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. Additionally, dandelions contain vitamins E, C, and K, as well as iron, calcium, fiber, silicon, zinc, and potassium, amongst many other important nutrients. As if this humble plant isn’t enough of a nutritional powerhouse, it also helps support liver function, repair tooth enamel, and even acts as a natural tonic for the blood, clearing it of any toxins. In general, dandelions offer excellent cardiovascular support and help promote healthy and strong teeth and bones. 

  1. Cannabis

Cannabis has recently become more legal and generally less frowned upon in recent years, primarily due to its excellent medicinal properties. However, a slightly less salacious element of the cannabis leaf, CBD oil, has become even more popular due to its immense capacity to heal - without the druggy after effect. Moreover, CBD oil is not just for humans; dogs can also benefit from this seemingly magical oil. As this article clearly shows, CBD oil can help keep your beloved pet relaxed, lessen their anxiety, and promote bone health, amongst many other health benefits. If your pet suffers from pain or seizures of any kind, CBD oil can help them a great deal. Of course, depending on your pup’s condition, you may want to check in with your vet first to confirm the efficacy of this natural - but strong - herb, just to be on the safe side.

  1. Oregano

This herb has so many excellent uses that go well beyond dressing up your favorite pasta dishes. Oregano has long been used to cure many ailments in both humans and pets. Teas made of oregano have been known to help soothe an upset stomach, and it can help relieve muscle pain. For your dog, you can see if an oregano supplement or oil can be snuck into thief food. In addition to helping your beloved pet with some minor ailments, oregano is a source of calcium, fiber, manganese, omega-3, and has more antioxidants than even berries.

  1. Calendula

Calendula helps to heal irritated skin fairly quickly due to its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral support properties. It can be directly applied to a cut, scrape, bite, or any other skin ailment bothering your dog. However, you should be extra careful to not apply it on any cut that already seems to be infected since it can make the matter a lot worse. 

  1. Comfrey

This herb has been credited for helping to assuage health issues ranging from digestive ailments to even cancer. It is rich in allantoin, which has a tremendous healing effect that helps speed up cell reproduction. Another compound found in comfrey, rosmarinic acid, also has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that help manage joint pain. It can be easily administered to your pet, simply by sneaking in a teaspoon of the dried herb in their food. 

  1. Licorice

The root of the licorice possesses several valuable medicinal properties that help treat arthritis. This is because it is a fast-acting and extremely effective anti-inflammatory agent. However, extreme caution needs to be exercised when administering the herb to a dog, as the root is difficult for them to digest. Small doses are strongly recommended, and they can really only be consumed for two weeks. If you think your dog may need to use licorice for longer, then consult with a vet first. Also, be mindful of the fact that it cannot be used for a pregnant or nursing dog, or if your pet suffers from diabetes.

  1. Ginger

Same as it does for humans, ginger is excellent for dogs’ digestive health, and it also helps alleviate gas and nausea. It can also be used to help ease arthritis pain, as it stops the immune system from revving up and producing leukotrienes, which can cause inflammation. Ginger can also help improve circulation in older dogs, especially those who cannot move a lot. 

Natural remedies are a wonderful way to steer clear of anything that might have a lot of toxins and take care of your dog’s health with gentle remedies. But like all things related to your dog’s well-being, it’s best to consult your vet to ensure that the dosages are correct and that you are not giving your pet unnecessary substances. After all, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. 


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