People needed to join Devon NHS trust’s Council of Governors
The Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is looking for four people to play a vital role in the work of their local NHS by nominating themselves to be a public governor.
The Trust, which provides medical services through the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and North Devon District Hospital, has a Council of Governors with people from across Devon representing their local communities.
The Trust has a good number of governors representing Northern and Eastern Devon, but has unfilled seats in its Southern constituency – including Exeter, Teignbridge, Torbay, South Hams and Plymouth – and is looking for local people to apply.
Governors have a wide range of experiences and backgrounds, but what they share is a passion for helping to shape local health services in a way that best meets the needs of patients and the public.
Dame Shan Morgan, Royal Devon Chair, said: “This is an exciting time to become a governor at the Royal Devon as we continue to improve our performance and respond to the challenges facing the NHS and Devon system as a whole. Our Council of Governors helps ensure we act in the best interests of our patients and wider communities.
“I am really grateful for the valuable insights and perspectives the governors have shared with me as Chair and with my colleagues who sit on the Board of Directors. If you think you have something to offer, we want to hear from you.”
Richard Westlake, public governor representing Exeter, Teignbridge, Torbay, South Hams, and Plymouth, said: “It’s a steep learning curve, but I’ve found it extremely interesting. I’ve enjoyed the stimulation of actually seeing improvements to the health service, talking to staff and talking to members.
“You can be home, sat down in a chair and having a moan, but you’re putting yourself in a position where you can actually achieve something and do something for the public that you represent.”
People can nominate themselves by completing an online form at www.mi-nomination.com/royaldevon
Those who prefer a paper nomination form can request this by calling 02380 763987, or writing to Mi-Voice, First Floor, The Arch Building, Gaters Mill, Mansbridge Road, Swaything, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 3HW.
The nomination period will close at 5pm on Friday 28 February.
To help people decide if being a governor is a good role for them, the Trust has published an introductory guide and FAQs about becoming a governor on its website.
The Trust is also holding an information webinar on Thursday 13 February at 4.30pm-5.30pm where people can find out more. To register, please book your place here.
If there are more than four nominations, the Trust will hold an election and ask its membership to vote for their preferred representatives. The elections are carried out by an external polling company and on a non-party political basis.
Those who are successfully elected to a post on the Council of Governors will take up their role in April. Terms of office vary from two to three years.